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Les Enfants Terribles
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Andrew Lees
I was an occasional dancer at Le Bataclan on Princes Street in the late 60s -occasional mainly because I was doing my medical apprenticeship at the London Hospital, Whitechapel. In addition to the classy French girls what impressed me at the time was the quality of the music with some rare soul music I had never heard before as well as plenty of James Brown. I remember Sweet Things You Do by Jimmy Hughes , Johnny Taylor Who's Making Love Tighten Up Archie Bell and the Drells. Brilliant DJs
Anyone remember other melodies from 67-69?

This is just to see if you are receiving notifications
Does anyone remember the name of the small Italian restaurant on Frith Street near Soho Square. No 63 I think. Georgina & pals used to go there a lot. Was very good. Da Aldo pizzeria?
On 26th November someone called Irith tried to leave a comment but was not authorised - don't know how she did this - and was blocked. I haven't been checking the logs for a few weeks and missed the event.
Ifthis is you deare Irith I'm sorry try using the Contact form instead

If anyone is in contact with her please let her know

So funný as I was thinking of her the other day.

A warm welcome to our newest member Jeremy Yates
Adrian Stern
Sorry to whoever wrote:
My Mum Maureen Brewster and her Boyfriend George Portelli practically lived at this Cafe.
My Mum DJ'd at the Whiskey a Go Go at night and was a Hair Stylist at the Salon on Hillstreet.
Mayfair. Just wondered if anyone ...

but you managed to get blacklisted! You have to register to interact with the site. I've unblocked you so do try again.
Adrian Stern
I have been contacted by Janet Baglione who asked me to post this message:
" Does anyone remember GIULIANO BARSOTTI (also called Fascino) who frequented Les Enfants Terribles in the 60s? I would be grateful for any information about him and his whereabouts. He is Italian, from the Camaiore/Viareggio region of Tuscany. We were in a close relationship in London from 1962 to 1967 and married in 1964. If you remember him and have any information for me, please contact Adrian, who has my email address. Thank you"
Adrian Stern
Christine Cray has been in touch! Amazing! Photos in the cast section.
Adrian Stern
I've been talking to Francesca who says:
"My love of Soho began in the early 90s - I ran clubs (Shinky Shonky), hung out at Pollos, Maison Bertaux, bought fresh pasta from my favourite Camisa. I wish I could have experienced Les Enfants Terribles - fascinating! Francesca"
Adrian Stern
It would be really great if everyone who has photos relevant to the site would send them to me for publication.
Any subject will do
Adrian Stern
Just added three photos I got from Cilla. In "The People" section
Adrian Stern
Hi all
It's been a while
Just been contacted by the lovely Cilla I haven't seen since she went to Australia in 1969 (I read that here in fact. How did I know to write that?)
It's so good to make contact with old friends, isn't it?
Hope to see you all soon
Adrian Stern
Do you remember Chris? And Chris? You know Big Chris and Little Chris? One nearly six feet tall and the other around five foot four? We lacked imagination I know as the tall one was called Big Chris and the shorter one Little Chris. Both kind of blonde but very different. Big Chris had messed up hair, maybe a bit reddish and Little Chris always well,combed and perhaps more mousy. He wore what looked like freshly-pressed shirts whereas Big Chris? Who knew? Nothing pressed anyway. He really was a big kid. Worked for Aerfix and spent his days playing with Lego and Scalectrix cars, or so it seemed. Fun. Little Chris worked for a major paper supplier. Think he ended up CEO. Haven't seen either of them for maybe a lifetime though. But you do wonder about people, don't you? Big Chris gave me a Scalectrix kit once. Nice of him I suppose though I suspected an ulterior motive, that he wanted an adult friend to go with him to the race track at Hammersmith. There was a model car race track at Hammersmith in those days anyone could bring their cars to and race! For the fun and a smallish entrance fee. What happened to that? I managed to put the car together which was lots of fun I seem to recall but never went to Hammersmith.
Little Chris was, as I said, small and tidy and had small, tidy girlfriends and I'm not too sure we ever really talked about anything. Big Chris and I would talk a lot. Well he would. Tell me all sorts of thinks I've now forgotten.
Still I do remember them both with affection. Is that just affection born of nostalgia for days gone by? For my teenage years? Maybe.

Adrian Stern
Received this message from Phil Davey:
"My love of Soho began quite late in 1970. I first came as a student to absorb the atmosphere, spending what I could ill afford on a coffee and croissant at Maison Bertaux and a glass of Brouiily at The French. I fell in love with Soho that day, and ended up spending most of my working life there in film and TV. I try and get back at least once a month but dread each time that another special place in my life will have gone. "Normans" The French, Bertaux, Bar Italia, The Algerian Coffee Shop, Camisa, Linas....thankfully all still there on my last visit a year ago now! I'm currently researching film and TV companies, that I worked at and used. So if any of your members were working in "the business" twixt 1970 and 1990 I would love to get in touch.
All the best
Adrian Stern
Hi all
Just posted a video I found on-line under "The Place"
Hope you find it as interesting as I did
Adrian Stern
I got a message from Maria Frederick
"Researching my granddad who had a casino in the 1950's called The American Eagle. I'd love to know more as key family members have passed away.
I think it was close to Ronnie Scott's,
kindest regards"
Adrian Stern
A new Les Enfants flyer added
Adrian Stern
I've just added a very interesting blog called "Skiffle and more..." under the heading "The Period"
I hope there will be some more.
A fascinating story

Adrian Stern
On May Day (1st May) someone from Islington managed to get themselves blacklisted for misbehaviour - I think by mistake. The messages started:
"I worked in Wheelers restaurant in 1962"
"Can anyone remember Wheelers Old Compton"
I've unblocked them - maybe they'll register and try again?
Adrian Stern
Finally fixed the music video so you can now adjust the sound volume.
Adrian Stern
Just fixed some problems with the music page. Took some effort
Adrian Stern
Hope I don't annoy you all but I think the mail notifications are not being sent out.
This is just a test to see
Adrian Stern
And there's another email from Christine:
A book was recently published: The Women who inspired London Art. It contains a part of the book about my mother and her sisters who were artists' models from the early 1900s to the 1950s. In that book there is a dedicated chapter about the London Club Scene from 1913 and onward, frequented by artists and models among other famous and infamous characters. My step-father ran La Cave in Gerrard Street and later in Frith Street in the 50s and 60s. I thought you might be interested.
Regards, Christine

Adrian Stern
And now I have to apologise to Jon for my reply to this comment:
Jon F
Adrian: In the dance clip is that not Louis Brown with beard in tartan jacket sitting alongside the stage?
I sort of poo-pooed he suggestion. But sorry Jon you were right all along. that IS Louis with the beard in the clip. Well spotted
Adrian Stern
I got this email from Linda a while ago but haven't got round to posting it before now:
Hello Adrian,
I was delighted to discover your website for Les Enfants Terribles as I'd been searching the web for possible photos from those days in the late 1960s. I worked in Regent Street and was a regular visitor from 1968 to mid 1969, going straight from work for a coffee and toasted sandwich, then downstairs to the basement disco for music and dancing. The people and atmosphere were such that, after my initial visits with friends, I felt perfectly comfortable and safe on my own. Such happy memories of those times. I remember Jean-Claude very well, also the proprietor Lucio and Greek Michael, plus many others, including the guy in one of your photos called Giuseppe - surname Grazia (a friend of Irene's) He was a great guy, lots of fun and we had a really close friendship for a while. In fact I think I may have been the person cut out of his photo. I also had a close relationship with a Spanish guy who I knew as Jacques. I think he rented one of Lucio's bedsits for a while too. So good to remember those days.
Thank you.
Kind regards - Linda K
Adrian Stern
And now I've fixed some minor irritants. So the menus should work better. And the little floating menu found on many of the pages can now be moved out of the way by dragging with your mouse.
Youtube had changed its protocol so that's been updated too - songs can be viewed full screen again.
Adrian Stern
Okay. So now I've changed the site so that you will have to sign in to be able to post anything. Browsing is unchanged.
If you receive this notification you are already registered so just sign in with no password and you will be asked to provide one.
Jon F
Merci John K pour ces photos; il ya 50ans deja "oo bla dee, oo bla da life goes on"
Hello there! I could have sworn I've visited this site before but after browsing through some of the articles I realized it's new to me.
Regardless, I'm certainly happy I stumbled upon it and I'll be bookmarking it and checking back often! _____
jon f
John Kenny" Did you ever find the photos of 9 Ladbroke Square? Best Christmas party ever!!!!
Jon F
to John Kenny: John, am so looking forward to see any photos of the party of '68. This Christmas will be 50 year can you believe? As for Pierre Richard. I last visited him in Belsize Park in approx 1969. In 1970 i came across him in Benidorm where he was manager of the "Miami" bar. Following year he was no longer there and in 1973 I left to live in Canada.
Christine Bassett
Hi Adrian, I think it was me who put that link up, but I cannot remember what it was now. However, glad to be unblocked!

Adrian Stern
Apologies to whoever it was who tried to post the url to a clip about Soho. You got blacklisted as a spammer for the contents of your post. My rules are very strict.
Your IPA is with EE High Speed Internet in Colchester Essex.
You're unblocked now!
Hi Adrian,

This is John KENNY ..... from 9 Ladbroke square. I discovered a few weeks ago your site. Just great.
I am presently in France for holidays and go back to Spain (where I live) end of September. I believe I have a few photos from the famous party at home. If I found them , I will send it to you ..

Pasquale Marioni
the site is fine Adrian, no need to change unless its broken......... and thanks for your commitment

Quite a while ago I posted regarding La Cave club in Gerrard Street, with a few pictures. I have had no response. Now I wonder if anyone would know if, sometime after 1964, the owner, known as George Nicolas (real name Joseph) opened or became the owner of Le Caveau in Frith Street. I hope someone can help.
Hello. And Bye.
Adrian Stern
Thank you friends. That was very kind - and reassuring
Sheila Rowhan
I can't find anything wrong with it Adrian - if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!
Dario Ciriello
Adrian, I so disagree. I think the site -- and I've built my share, and helped others do do -- is very suited to both the period and to your audience. I wouldn't change a thing. If you really feel something needs freshening up or tweaking, look at the masthead and the fonts on it... those could be fine-tuned a bit. You can't please everyone, but I'm willing to bet that 99% of your visitors have no issue with the design or functionality.
Adrian Stern
I've just had an exciting mail conversation with Sarah Buttery who wanted my help and now was complaining that there are too many emails and moreover she thinks the site looks terrible and the colours awful and it's - well enough said.
Now I deduced she's been accessing through her phone and as I haven't done the adaptations necessary for a mobile app it doesn't have the best appearance on a mobile device, that's true.
But what do you guys think? Is it that bad?
Jane Caldas
I came across your site recently. My Mum and Dad met at Les Enfants Terribles and it is fascinating to see all the pictures of the place they spoke so fondly of. They also went to Le Kilt and other similar places. They were Pat Plafrey and Ian Cully - Pat worked for CBS and Ian was an aspiring band manager! I do not know if anyone remembers them, but this site is a fantastic insight into their lives in the late 60s.

jon f
the mind plays tricks on memories: I always thought that was he.
Adrian Stern
No Jon. Looks nothing like him. And as far as I can recall he never had a beard.
I don't recognise anyone in the clip
Jon F
Adrian: In the dacne clip is that not Louis Brown with beard in tartan jacket sitting alongside the stage?
Adrian Stern
see below!
Adrian Stern
Hi guys and gals!

Fell over this clip:
on youtube yesterday that actually features
dancing at the Kilt in 1962 I believe. You'll find it at 3:48
Adrian Stern
Sorry about the recent spam. These are a bit hard to stop.
I've just added some code that should stop these at least.
Adrian Stern
Paolo also got blocked when he broke the rules
Sorry but I have to be so strict and still the spammers get through
This is what he wanted to write:
Happy new year to you Adrian and to all our friends from another era
Also Mauro Colafranceschi wants to join les enfent
He was there many times and he want to belong to the cast (possily)
Mauro Colafranceschi
Thank you Adrian
So Happy New Year to you too and to all of you
Roy Deverell
Hi Adrian. Pleased that you posted my comments about the photo of Lucio outside Les Enfants.
So that's why it kept bouncing back - full stops in the middle of an expletive !
Thank you. All the best for Christmas and 2018 (can it really be 2018?)
Adrian Stern
I must apologise to whoever tried to post this comment:
Lucio! Without even seeing his face he would be instantly recognisable, especially in profile - I can hear his voice now. He was a waiter when I worked there (1959-61). Downstairs, at the end of the evening he would count up his tips on the bar counter often accompanied by an angry stream of anglo-Italian expletives - 'F k g Madonna!', etc. However, these inadequate piles of sixpences obviously helped finance his eventual acquisition of Les Enfants. He would often give me a lift home to Brixton when we finished late. It's amazing how few photos were taken at the time which makes it all the more special when ones like this occasionally surface. Thanks Adrian!
Your comment was identified as spam - sort of correctly as it contained a fullstop within a word. My controls are pretty strict. Please get in touch again.
Mim Scala
Les Enfant was the coolest of all the Soho hangouts, it had a bohemian international mystique, most of my early romances were hatches of a coffee in there
Robert Kelly
I told my tale here some time ago (2014-07-26), of being a young (19-20) U.S. sailor who with a couple of mates "discovered" LET whilst on ship's liberty in Portsmouth. I continue now, three years on, because it reminds me of my youth, free of cares and discovering a world I had never dreamed about.
I returned to SOHO in 2009 with my grandson, who was then the same age as I was in 1959. I had not yet found this web site and, although I had a vague recollection of it's surrounding location, it was raining and it was getting dark, I would have liked to have been able to show the area to the lad, and told him stories about that time of my life.
So, thanks to Adrian and all the others who continue to populate Les Enfants Terrible, the web place. 2017-10-22-12:00:58
jon f
Idem/ditto: what wonderful karma from a wonderful time
Another beautiful love story in our beloved Soho in those great years... Bruno and Brigitte!!! ...
Bruno et Brigitte sont venus (séparément) de France pour apprendre l’anglais afin de préparer le Baccalauréat, à Pâques 1966.... Et, bien sûr, comme des milliers de jeunes français, au lieu de faire des choses sérieuses, ils se rencontrèrent dans une cave de Soho, appelée “les Enfants terribles” ! Je me souviens que le Vendredi Saint (deux jours avant Pâques) les Enfants terribles étaient fermés jusqu’à 20 H 00 à cause de la loi britannique ...

Brigitte et Bruno ont vécu ensemble depuis 1968 et se sont mariés en 1973 : ils ont eu un fils en 1975 ... et ont aujourd’hui trois petits enfants. Ils ont gardé un souvenir très vivant de leur rencontre, c’est à dire de leur “coup de foudre”, dans la cave des Enfants terribles, il y a plus de cinquante ans. A l’époque, voyager en Angleterre était très exotique ! Il y avait les “minijupes” qui ne se portaient pas encore à Paris ; on allait au cinéma voir deux films à la suite (pour le prix d’un !), et on pouvait boire et fumer dans la salle de cinéma ! Nous avions été voir “Alphaville” de Jean-Luc Godard, en version anglaise. Une autre nouveauté pour nous, continentaux, étaientt les “Wimpy”, ancêtres du Macdo. On dansait le rock’n roll, et l’un de nos morceaux favoris était “Barbara Ann” par les Beach Boys...

Adrian Stern
Sorry about the recent spate of nonsense. I've just instigated a measure I hope will put an end to it.
jon f
Thanks Adrian,good job Spammers ruin it for everyone.
gianpaul onofri
The club at the end of Poland st, was "Saint Germain" (1965 etc...)
Adrian Stern
Although I do my best to keep out spam and commercial stuff some does get by my filters. So I'll delete the items and block the senders. Sorry
jon f
I receive emails to view the guest book but I do not see new entries. Are they edited out? 1 do miss seeing reminiscences of our "young" crowd no matter how small, the chances are that someone else may have been there for that moment. One may Samuel Pepys describing life in London 450 years ago so cannot underestimate the value of this site describing coming of age half a century ago at a time which marked the seismic generational shift in values.
ALAIN Favier
qui a connu Pierre nadal au bataclan ami delesley
favier alain
je suis content d'avoir retrouvé Lesley sur fb et qu'elle se rappel de moi
Pasquale Marioni
I have 2 tickets for Georgie Fame gig at Ronnie Scotts this coming Friday 28 October. These are prime tickets in the members area some 2/3 metres from the band, a Big Band for this gig. For those that have not been previously, RS is a venue where you can eat and drink during the set and has great atmosphere.


favier alain
qui a connu jean paul et sa copine michèle au bataclan , ainsi que jane et mon pote jo(le corse)
favier alain
super d'avoir retrouvé Dario, nous sommes en contact via Facebook très souvent !!!!
Dario Ciriello
Alain: trouvé et contacté! :)

favier alain
salut Dario !!! qqs précisions sur mon Facebook !!! je suis ami avec Adrian stren et jean claude teste, ma photo , je suis devant un bateau " la belle poule" habillé en veste beige et crâne razé , j'habite a Quimper !!!! espère que cela te guidera un peu dans ta recherche !!!!! donne moi aussi qqs éléments sur ton profil que j'essai aussi de mon côté !!!! bonne journée et a très bientôt !!!

Dario Ciriello
Alain, cher ami, je continue d'essaier de te retrouver sur Facebook, mais j'ai besoin de quelques indices parce que tu n'est pas le seul Favier Alain. Done-moi les noms de deux ou trois amis sur ton FB sltp. As- tu une photo sur ton profile? Decrit-la, sltp...Est qu'il y a des bateaux dans la photo? Une femme? Ou abites-tu? Il y a un Favier Alain a Allemont, Rhone-Alpes. Un autre sans photo de profil. Aide- moi! :-)

salut Etienne , beaucoup de choses me ressemble dans ce que tu me raconte !!! si tu veut j'ai facebook sous mon nom de famille Favier alain !! essaie de me trouver !!! si non mon tel c'est 0664090067 ,bonne journée !!!!

salut Dario , j'ai du mal a trouvé ton facebook , regade j'ai envoyé une invitation , essaie de ton côté
Dario Ciriello
Oui Alain! :) Sous mon nom reel et complet, comme ici. Mon Francais est un peu degredde apres tellement d'annees, mais on porra se comprendre) A bientot sur FB. Friend-moi!
mon facebook pour ceux qui m'on connu !!! favier alain
ALAIN Favier
salu Dario !!! a tu un facebook en californie ???
Who might be coming to the LE KILT reunion on the 1st october ??? I hope many of you !!
A new friend is valuable, and an old friend priceless.

It seems like only yesterday we were so young and hopeful and full of dreams.
It’s hard to believe, but many years have passed but we had so much fun in those days
so let’s reconnect and have a blast!
Let's meet up in the PIllars of Hercules (just a meeting point) and then together go to all the
places we went to in those fantastic days and talk of old times in Le Kilt and whatever else may
come to mind.
This is to take place every day from the 1st October till 3rd October 2016.

You’re invited to the first LE KILT Friends Reunion on Saturday, 1st October at 3 pm in the PIllars of
Hercules, 7 Greek St, London W1D 4DF

"The essence of nostalgia is an awareness that what has been will never be again.” – Milton S. Eisenhower

Saved as a favorite, I like your blog!

Thnk you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts aand I am waiting for your further wrrite ups thanks once again.
Philippe ETIENNE
Je suis resté à Londres d'août 1969 à fin octobre 1970.
Philippe ETIENNE
Salut, Alain,
Ton "parcours" à Londres et au Bata ressemble beaucoup au mien, sauf qu'il s'est déroulé un peu plus tard de 1969 à 1970. J'ai bien connu Lucille, Brian, Tony et un peu Jean-Paul (un conflit avec Tony a fait qu'il n'est plus revenu au Bata...) Peut-être que nous nous sommes vus et même connus bien que ton nom n'évoque rien de précis pour moi. Mais pour se rappeler ce qu'il s'est passé il y a environ 40 années, le mémoire peut-être défaillante, n'est-ce pas? Mais comme tu fais allusion au vestiaire, cet indice me fait penser , qu'effectivement, je vois qui tu es (sauf erreur). A l'époque où tu étais au Bataclan, Jean-Claude (j'ignore son nom de famille était-il) le DJ? Et toi? Tes parents ne tenaient-ils pas un commerce en France? N'as tu pas dû quitter Londres parce que tes papiers n'étaient pas en règle et que tu avais eu un petit souci avec le police à cause d'un accrochage avec la Mini Austin qu'un Français avait achetée et dans laquelle tu te trouvais? Bon, dans l'attente de ta réponse, cordialement.
Philippe ETIENNE.
PS: tu as dû connaître Ian DRYSDALE. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il est devenu.
Dario Ciriello
Alain, tu te souviens de moi? Ca fait, combien, presque 50 ans qu'on ne se voit pas :) Et maintenant j'habite depuis 28 ans en Californie... Je pense souvent a notre jeunesse, et je me rapelle les temps au Bataclan, et Jo aussi. J'ai quelques photos ici, sur la feuille du Bataclan.
Alain Favier
bonjour , je m'appel ALAIN favier , j'ai vécu a Londres de 1966 a 1969 , je
fréquentai très réguliérement le club le Bataclan (pour ne pas dire tous
les soirs) , j'ai bien connu Brian et Lucile !! j'ai tenu le vestiaire qqs
temps , a l'époque le bras droit de Brian s'appelait Jean paul et sa copine
Michèle !! il y zavait aussi Jane et mon pote Jo, j'ai aussi bossé comme
barman au Bag of nails a soho !!!

jon f
The Cromwellian near the Lycee, wow that takes me back. Very popular with younger gamblers in the 60's. MGB's and E-Types in front. I went to it again under a different name in 1976. not the same atmosphere.
Martin Lawson
an addendum in 1966 worked as a waiter in the Scotch seeing the picture of the coach reminded m, prior to that i was at the Cromwellian,
Martin Lawson
i went to La Poubelle Gt Malborough ST in the early sixties, there was a club at the bottom of Poland Street, can't remember the name like Les Enfant's open sunday aftwernoons and lunchtimes, the Kilt i n Greek St, i think, also the Cromwellian, the flamingo in wardour st and upstairs to it the Wiskey oh and the Discateque also in Wardour st.
so many
To George Portelli.
There is 1 photo from the football match between Le Kilt and LET. I sent it to Adrian a couple of years ago, and you can see it amongst the photoes from Le Kilt. I don't remember who took this photo that special afternoon.
Love from Vibeke

jon f
Got an email from an old friend from" Centre Charles Peguy" circa 1970. Any others ? J'ai recu un email d'un ancien copain du "Centre Charles Peguy" (1970 +/-) Est ce qu'il y en a d'autres ici sur ce site?
Sydney Mann
I'm interested in contacting old members of the original La Poubelle in Great Marlborough Street and Le Bataclan off Regent Street

Steve Knight
Also a frequent visitor to Club 51 to listen to Ken Colyer's trad jazz band in the late 50"s. Many memories including the visit of George Lewis the New Orleans clarinet player. Thank goodness you could drink at 18 years, or no questions asked at 17, as used to think it great to go to the nearby Porcupine Pub with the musicians at the end of the evening to drink draft cider.
Juliet Levene Milkens
I first discovered The Moulin Rouge on Hanway Street ( where there was always someone playing Granada ) in early 1954 . I don't remember the names of the people who owned MR but the woman was " blonde". I then graduated to Chiquitos - and I still have close friends ( Molly Hitchin Lombard Toronto ) and Ady ( Lesnick) and Vic Costantini who live in Rome , who also love to reminisce about those days .
The highlight of my Chiquitos period was the summer of 1954 when I actually worked there - washing the glass cups and occasional plates and making lunch for the staff. The owner, Jean-Claude (?) would send me to the butcher on Scala Street to get small steaks which I was to sauté in butter !
LET then became very popular and I spent a lot of time there and Ady and Vic remained in contact with the owner (Gigi?) I always thought that LET was more sophisticated than Chiquitos and so very French.
The first West End club that I went to was Club 51 on Great Newport Street and the first time I went there I heard Ronnie Scott play " What Is This Called Love "and I was hooked on the music. My other great love wasThe Faubourg - at one time called Le Metro on New Compton Street- Very grungy cave but also addictive. ( Molly Hitchin Lombard will testify to that) Other great places that old people like me would remember were Cy Lauries on Windmill Street and Humphrey Littletons on Oxford Street . The Oxford Street location ( can't remember the number) at one time housed Le Bal Musette on Tuesdays, Humphrey Littleton's on Wednesday and Saturday and Feldman's on Sunday. I also loved The Flamingo ( under the Mapleton Hotel) and Ronnie Scott's.
I suppose that I started going "up West" from NW 11 when I was around 15 and stayed faithful for three or four years until I left for University. Over the years , I have taken my American husband and children to visit the sites of Soho- but they weren't there and just don't get it.

Sorry for the spam mail. Trying to deal with it
Sheila Lorraine Rowhan
Wishing You All A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2016 - Love & Peace Always!!!
Pasquale Marioni
To all the guys and girls i met at LET, The Bataclan, Lulus and other clubs, to those who know me and those who dont

A very happy new year and all best wishes for 2016


Alexander Doré
Hi Les Enfants Terribles this is the notorious Jean Doré, now living in California in the US, I am known as Alexander not Jean any more after i did a bunk from London to Brazil via a war in Cabinda Angola. Ended up as the 3rd bassist for Sly and The Family Stone, still play around. Someone called Adrian remembers me "This guy really belongs to Le Bataclan and La Poubelle. Tall and thin, karateka. Liked to fight I seem to remember and bouncer at La Poubelle at some point. Anyone else remember him?" I am writing a book about my life in Soho called a London Goodfellow how I was involved with Sicilians, Maltese, Jews and keeping the Krays out of Soho, worked at the Colony and other casinos breaking up junkits; what life that was, money birds and cars, had so many cars used to leave them on streets. Please contact me if anyone remembers me good or bad it doesn't matter, I used to wear Cardin blue blazers a lot, fancy Revel shoes and Italian grey slacks. And Andrew is right I was a lethal weapon in Soho, nobody crossed me, I had carte blanche access everywhere especially the Playboy Club. Great memories of LET.
Jon f
Perhaps the nights that Robert played I did not go to LET, I do have a vague memory though that on Halloween night 1967 there was a sort of special party with a cover charge to go downstairs to dance but the details are lost in the mists of time.
Having just watched "Legend" about the Krays during our period, somehow London seemed safer then with organized crime bosses running the rackets than now with random acts moving with impunity. I never felt scared ten of being in Soho all through the night, drifting from club to club. Maybe I am just an old sod now and scared of shadows!!
This is the second band that say they played LET - but I really don't recall there ever being a band and like Jon cannot really imagine where one would have put them - a drum-kit would have filled the back room on it's own. But let's accept the reminiscence as is.
jon f
Robert: I certainly remember dancing to Dutronc singing "et moi" & "mini-mini" but can not recall a live band at LET. Those stairs would be a health and safety hazard these days. I suppose the alcove would have been where Georgina had her DJ turntable and coca-cola fridge.
Robert Mercer
I played keyboard for a four piece outfit called "Odds On" 1966/1967 and this was a fairly regular Friday night gig for us. Struggling to get the gear down those stairs was an exercise in itself and then squashed into an alcove with a mass of heaving French lovelies. What a time we had. " Sept cent millions de Chinois et moi et moi et moi"

This is for a friend. Spread the word if you can.

This is an appeal which I hope my FB friends can help me with.
I am on a mission to trace my daughter's father. In 1963 when I was 16 I met a young Italian man who was approximately 23 whose name was Vittorio ( unfortunately I don't have a surname)
We met at a club in Dean Street called 'Les Enfants Terribles'. He worked in various restaurants in the Soho area. He lived in Victoria with a friend near the station above a shop/restaurant. He was about 6ft tall, slim with brown hair.
I fell pregnant and gave birth in 1964. He knew that I was pregnant but wouldn't have known that I gave birth.
My name at that time was Patricia Sampson.
Coincidentally I ended up marrying an Italian and when we lived in Knightsbridge he was approached by an Italian couple who knew I had had a baby. I had never met them before so word had obviously got round the Italian Community!
I would really appreciate it if every one of you could share this post, especially my Italian friends as I would like this to reach Italy.
By my calculations he would now be approximately 74.
If anyone thinks they may have some information you can contact me on FB or send me a private message. Thank you.
Some new pictures added to the cast photo section - particularly of me with Jon and Phil - and the whole section re-ordered. To be updated at a later date.
well done adrian, do not forget to post fotos of the original ronnie scott's place in the gerard street
Gerrard Street has been given it's own page now.
Now I've added a "Send" button to the comments boxes that didn't have one. This was because I had forgotten that telephones don't have an "Enter" key! Sorry
Just added a page for the Centre Charles Peguy
Revamped "streets" with added history section
Carnaby St moved to the Period
Those not completed will be this week
Hope you like the changes
Peter lusted
Peter used to go in the early 60s,most in the afternoon,andw/ends 'terry was the manager,I remember Irene Masin, Tessa Moore
New section just added on Le Beat Route which I think took over from the Experience?
Sorry folks!
Tony somehow must have an extremely old cached version of the site and I did not tidy up as well as I thought when I revamped the whole Kilt part of the site.
The consequence was that the notices his comments triggered were to a defunct program and library.
Situation rectified and his comments can be found under his picture under Le Kilt/Images/People
Pasquale Marioni
Hi M (Zar) i was a regular at Lulus in Kensington, great little place outside my stomping ground of Soho. I first danced to "I heard it through the grapevine" there. You are right, the scene at that time was friendly, anyone would offer you a ciggie or give you one if you asked, suspect that may not happen now, but i may be being just a grumpy old bloke !!
M Zar
Got this as a contact item last month - but it's of interest to a few people so I don't think she'll mind if I publish it here:

Hi! I used to go to Le Kilt and Die Fledermaus around 1970 (extremely underage!!!). I remember Didi quite well, we had a "thing" for a while. Nice guy. I notice someone called Dario Ciriello crops up on your site. Probably a common Italian name but I wonder if it's the same guy I knew who lived near my school in South Kensington and later moved to the USA. Going by the photo you have it could be. Always had a huge grin and loved his music. So nice to see your website. The club scene was so friendly back then. I wonder if anyone remembers Lulu's in Young Street (off Kensington High Street)?
Le Bataclan page now extended as I got some photos from Dario Ciriello
Take a look!
New section about the Avengers (in Soho) just added.
Under "The Period" on the menu
jon f
Was reading all the comments on your meeting with Jon Harris. So, any chance of putting together a reunion later this year, before we all get too creaky?
carole mellor
Great page, will visit again, brings back many memories!
Hello, I am trying to find a Greek Cypriot man named Nick and his brother Chris who ran a hairdresser/ barber shop on Old Compton Street in 1966. Would you have the names of any Mens hairdressers which were on Old Compton street at that time?
Many thanks

jon f
Can I go with you on this card? I will meet you at Tottenham Ct Rd tube at 7 :)
New article under "The Place"
jon f
I was not far off the mark but you are correct. 'twas not Mortimer St but Margaret St that I drove along it being one way east bound and you must have said to drop you off there. I would not worry about Cecile, she is almost 70 and I am sure she has little if any memory of the aluminium foil decorated room with incense sticks burning , and even if she did she must look back at that Xmas with good memories. Funny you should say "as boys". in my mind I still feel as I did then , its only my back and knees that tell me that we are in a different century.
Mortimer St? When I was an articled clerk, which ended 1967 at the latest because I was at Contiki before Century 21 and that was at 100something Oxford St I had a client for whom I did the bookkeeping on the corner of Gt Portland St and Market Place but Mortimer St no memories!
Should I mention Cécile now? She must have been puzzled and ended up hating me. Why couldn't I have talked to her? How stupid we were as boys!
jon f
How funny I remember it so well and you are blank. As I recall you worked at a bookkeeping/accountant firm in Mortimer St ( I think) which is why I dropped you on the corner of Gt Portland. This was before you worked at Century 21 (Gerry Andersons). I am sure that you retuned to 9 Ladbrook Sq. every night as I did. Yes the infamous room, much fun to had in there!!! If Pierre Oberson is still reading this blog, he can fill us in with more details!
I doubt it we ever met in Flamingo, so dark in there it was practically impossible to found your own bum with 2 hands!! Do you remember the blue beat (rimless) hats the black guys wore in there? Adrian has posted in the Soho pictures the "mingo" being raided by the police. I actually spent more time upstairs in "The Whisky a go'go" . Great music and occasional live bands. Quite popular with french au pairs. I stopped going to Wardour St when I took to LET in the summer of '67, summer of Sgt Pepper. Moody Blues and Procul Harem . Maybe because we are "old", I agree with you and think its fair to say that no other generation since could have had so much fun with real memories of a time when the world changed for the better and we were part of it.
Gt Portland St and gutter ring no bells - wonder where I was going? I do remember Laurie sticking his toothbrush in his hat like a feather before we went; being dragged off to a dark room by a girl I've never seen - and one night we went to the Kilt - but returned.
Pasquale Marioni
Hi John, must have seen you there sometime, i lived in Cambridge Circus and knew it well
Jon f
Georgie singing "yeah yeah" in the dark sweaty and smokey basement at the "Flamingo" .Allan Price on keyboard circa 1966.
Pasquale Marioni
off to the Bar Italiaand then Ronnie Scotts to listen/see Georgie Fame, I'll close my eyes and be back in the best decade in the history of the world
jon f
Well Adrian, Pierre Oberson and whomsover can remember. this is the 46th anniversary of the party of 1968 held for a week at 9 Ladbroke Sq.I shuttled au pair girls to an fro to Edgware and all points North West in my 1967 Morris Minor while all the time the Beatles White Album was playing , oo bla dee! Oh that bedroom decorated in aluminium foil, incense burning and silk neck scarves adorning the wall. Remember playing a card game with forfeits, usually involving getting undressed in the bathroom and appearing naked but for a neck scarf back into the party room. Oh how hippy & cool we were! I remember dropping and exhausted Adrian off in Gt Portland St on Jan 1/69 as he fell into the gutter on his way to work, (Not a holiday then).
People may ask why I ive in the past, well it was cheaper and one hell of a lot of harmless fun with nice people.
Now all the notices should be in html format and lead right back to whatever it was that happened. Hope this is an improvement! Let me know what you think.
More html emails - from the guest book too now
jon f
Just saw "Jules et Jim" again, first time in years, great film: Lots of pouting and moody Jeanne Moreau, reminded me of the parisiennes we'e meet at LET back in the 60's !
i new a girl / a colleague of mine with the name Da Costa (stil remember she was married) who used to teach french with me at the Berlitz School in London in the 70. Do not know if it is her.. R.i.p Jeanette
Some very sad news has just reached us. Jeanette DaCosta has passed away. Don't know how many knew her or remember her - but I seem to remember a lovely girl.
Hello Steve,
I think it was Freeman, he was around 30, maybe 10 years older than me
and we went in 1966 ish to Torremolinos on Sky Tours for a package deal.
It was his idea and we had so much fun there.
(£59) each for the week lol. Cyril lived in Petticoat Lane with his parents.
I lived in Stamford Hill. Sad to hear of Joes passing, He was a sort of relative
Our fathers wrestled together in Primoland after the war. His father was Issy Van Duyts and Joe
had a sister named Roma.
Steve Knight
Hello Alan & Vibeke
Vibeke I missed you in London last July - I arrived the day you left.
There was an Alan from Wales (about 6' 1" tall) but I think he arrived in 1967. Mention of Cyril Freeman's name (if it's the same guy as I remember him as Freedman) was a friend of mine before the Kilt days when together with Joe Duyts we used to go to the 51 Club to dance to Ken Colyer's jazz band then to the Porcupine Pub for drinks with the band. Joe finally ended up in South Africa where he passed away a few years ago.

Vibeke, maybe next year we'll have our reunion unless you're in London in the first week of November when I'll be back in "the smoke"
No, you must have mistaken me for someone else, I am a Londoner.
Went to work at another (Louis Brown) club after the Kilt. Birdland in Duke
of York Street off German St. where I opened another roulette table.
Eric Burden of the Animals had a flat above.
jon f
Does anyone remember going to "Countdown" club north side of Oxford St. Heyday was between 1970/1973. It initially managed by Jean-Pierre ( Belge) formerly of Samantha's (Burlington St.) and the 2nd "la Poubelle" (Greek St.) It was decorated around the time of the moon landings. Next to the dance flloor was separate room with a sunken well of seats all in the space age style, facing a big TV screen , Very "2001". & a good spot to snog. I seem to remember it was the place to go after "Peguy" (Leicester Sq)closed at 10 pm weekdays.
Peguy was a good place to "drague" but being a catholic church youth club run by a priest, it was hard to get up to any hanky panky! Even so, was very popular on weekends, but as it closed early we needed a place to go that was open till 2 am hence "Countdown" which was essentially gratis for Francophones.Even drinks coud be had for free if noi one was watching.
Hello Alan.
Nice to see your comments. I remember you clearly from my years in Le Kilt. you were Welsh? I remember Christine that you mentioned, and as far as I remember I also worked with her for a short while. Josiane and I, and later Chris, were working together, sharing the cloakroom and the records. I left in August 1969, going back to Denmark, with Serge, Josiane and Jean Michel. I still live in Denmark.
Last year in October I had a reunion in London with Adrian Stern and Chris Hazel (Martin's girlfriend ), - fantastic, after more than 44 years.

Éric Boullay
Thank you adding The Kilt. I was in London 1967-1968, nearly everyday and night at LET, finishing the evening at Kilt. Happy to see 'kilt
News published in 1968 by the time I was living there.
I worked on the bar 65/66 with Cyril Freeman for a while, then started the roulette wheel for Louis in the alcove just at the foot of the stairs. (£30 per week) At that time Martin was taking over as manager from Joe Duyts who had been the manager. Joe had a flat in the Water Gardens Edgware Road. On various Sunday nights the Beatles, Stones, PJ Proby, the Moody Blues and many other stars would come in for drinks.
Christine worked in the kitchen with her boyfriend, can't remember his name, both French. There are many things I can't remember but sure if someone triggers off a question, may be able to answer it. Anyway, I was living in Tel Aviv in the early 70's and bumped into Martin in town had a chat with him and think he lived there too for a while. I live in Marbella these days and it was interesting to discover this site.

Very nice site!
Jon f
I saw Aznavour December 1972 in Paris at L'olympia. His best stage song was "je me voyais déjà" where he turned around at the end as footlights came down and you saw what he would see when facing an audience. Every other song was just sublime. A real music hall pro.
I saw Gilbert Becaud in Washington DC in 1984 at the Kennedy Centre. The whole place sang as one to "l'amportanr c' est la rose"
Lorraine Michelle
I saw Aznavour at The Royal Albert Hall in London in June. He was superb. I also saw him last year and thought THAT would be his last concert - so who knows? If he comes back next year I will be first in line for tickets. What a hero.
Elaine Gilboa
This evening I went to the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles where I now live to hear Charles Aznavour perform. He is 90 years old and I have seen him live several times. The last time when he was probably 80 or 85 and I am sure this will be his last tour. He is amazing. Steady on his feet with a few little dance moves. His daughter Katya Aznavour was again one of his back-up singers. I wish he had sung more in French and some of the old standards were missing. I didn't recognize some of his newer songs but he did sing Ave Maria, La Boheme, Que Ce Triste Venise but some of the arrangements were different to what I remember. As always, it was a very emotional and sentimental experience. I would love to hear from Gianni Amerini. I remember your father quite well. Is Claire your mother?
Pasquale Marioni
ps thanks Adrian for the creation of the site and the obvious care you lavish on it, i will post photos from my 15 years in Soho
Pasquale Marioni
thanks Adrian, should've known.... new to site, fabulous memories and misspent youth, sorry wellspent youth...
it`s under Soho¡
Pasquale Marioni
hi all, havent seen too much mention ofthe Bataclan in Hanover Square, i used to move from LET to BAT most nights after work, anyone remember it
Jon suggests watching this Mod program on BBC iPlayer
Janina Checiniski
If Anyone knows where Lisa Verweel is, or how she is, i would love to know.

I am her sister and we lost contact over six years ago.
I would like to know is she is okay and happy!
Thank you
Lorraine Michelle
There's an art to eating cholent. Firstly, you have to eat it very, very slowly and secondly you have to schedule the meal for a time when you can have at least an hour's snooze after eating it. I think that enough ethnic food chat for today as we seem to be veering off-topic. Les Enfants and cholent don't really belong in the same sentence.
Jon f
Boy that's one heavy meal! A bad cholent defies the law of gravity as it cannot be regurgitated!
I wonder if the au pairs took these culinary delights back to a France, on second thoughts perhaps not.
Ah the au pairs', first time away from home. First month working for a ghastly family in NW. 2nd month in Bed sit in SW . No money job in a restaurant , take up with a greasy waiter, third month I have to pick them up from Harley St (guess why) any get them on boat train before visa expires. Happy days!

Lorraine Michelle
Selby's was off Regent Street - Hanover Street I think it was called. As a youngster I used to cringe, thinking it was all "too Jewish". Looking back (probably with rose-tinted glasses)I think of it all with affection and nostalgia.
I don't make kreplach anymore, but I still make a mean cholent!
Jon f
No Lorraine it was the meal at the KDS I was dissing, along with The Rudy Rome orchestra playing Hava Negila , oy VAY,,,
As I recall Selbys was adjacent to Le bataclan , I think on 2 or 3 floors very nice place.
Lorraine Michelle
Actually, Selby's was the poor man's King David Suite - and please don't diss the kreplach at Selby's - my grandmother made them, sometimes with a little help from me!
Jon f
Saw the Stones at the Country Club,1964, BrianJones still alive. It was packed , no one cared about fire safety that night.
Selbys was for posh champagne weddings before the King David suite debut. There it was always
the same chicken soup, craplach (well named) chicken and water ice desert. Boring!. No wonder we went to Dean St to escape!
I have a sister nearly 2 years older than me and I'm 65 - won't ask your age but she was more the JC dance type - went to Maccabi etc.
Your father's possible reaction explains how I got barmitzvaed - that or death as I remember½
Lorraine Michelle
OLDER sister huh? You sure know how to wound a girl! My Dad was the Kosher catering manager at the time Tom Jones appeared at Selby's and I worked just across the road at Alitalia, so I had no option but to turn up, otherwise I think my dad would have killed me.
Lorraine Michelle
Although I don't remember the year, I am more than sure that Betty and Gigi were the owners during that period - so perhaps we are all correct!
Lorraine there is some confusion here - we're totally convinced there was dancing on Sunday afternoons - in breach of the law maybe but there is no doubt - and if Lucio was the owner and not Gigi then we're talking about the same time period. Lord's Day Observance depended on on a complaint since it was never policed and since I don't think the afternoon dancing was ever advertised no complaint was ever made. After 1966 even though I think the law still applied I don't think the courts would hear any complaints.
Jon, you know I used to go to the Witches Cauldron - not that I remember it - and Lorraine I remember the names of those places advertised in the JC - Selby's rings a big bell, but I suspect only my older sister went there!
Lorraine Michelle
Jon, you've got it in nutshell!
No idea how full those charity dances were as I never got further than the front door, although I did see The Beatles at The Pigalle and Tom Jones at The Hanover Grand (I think it was called Selby's in those days). Ironically, I eventually married someone who actually organized these events - so maybe my parents were right after all. Didn't meet him at a dance though.
Jon f
Perhaps as they were advertised in the JC is why your folks wished that you would go. I mean how bad could it be you may meet a nice young Doctor!,lol
Jon f
I clearly remember dancing as we sang to "grooving on Sunday afternoon" with Lesley White and her cousins at LET, not a table in sight. Lorraine had her memories and I sure gave mine. Btw did anyone go to " The Witches Cauldron" in Belsize Park for a pre LET coffee on a Sunday? I know thatAdrian and I went to
"Le troubadour" one time. And speaking of Belsize, who can forget "The Country Club" great chance to see famous bands for 10/6d. Charity dances advertised i
at the. Brent Bridge, The Empire Rooms or the Pigalle were never well attended .

Lorraine Michelle
Sorry chaps, due to the draconian laws at the time a special license was required for holding a dance on Sundays - usually only granted to charities. Hence those dreadful "charity dances" held on Sunday nights. The ones that my parents bribed me with new clothes and money to attend! My dad would drive my friend and me to one of those, pay our 12/6d entrance fee and drive off. Obviously, as soon as the coast was clear we were out of there and back to Les Enfants for a Fanta and one of those stale cheese rolls they only served on Sundays.
Either you're speaking of a time before us - say pre 1964 or so or you're confusing LET with some other place. I'm pretty sure that the other dives also had Sunday afternoon raves too. Certainly La Poubelle Mk II in Carlisle St did.
Lorraine Michelle
Don't quite know how you managed that as they placed tables and benches downstairs on a Sunday!
Jon f
How naughty we must have been then by flouting the Puritan ethic by dancing!
Lorraine Michelle
But there was no dancing allowed on Sundays!
Jon F
Seems like the NW London girls tasted forbidden fruit after school but before Friday night dinner !!
For me, its was Sunday aft at LETwhich reminded me of the continent. Everywhere else in London used to be closed on Sunday (at least until pub opening hours and even then. W 1 was none to busy). Sundays were dreary with only the BBC radio back them even TV was ghastly, so getting out of the house to the West End was a welcome break & when Adrian arrived at LET the place lit up. "heart and soul of the place". twas he.
Then dancing in the dark downstairs with "au pairs" enjoying their day off from domestic slavery before having to get back to Edgware or Stanmore & the last train. Getting a car meant being a taxi but how those girls were grateful in so many ways!!!
Not St Anne's Court Lorraine but Diadem Court. I can't remember when they finally took the chains off the fire doors but I do remember there always being someone on fire-door duty to stop freeloaders.
I tend to see the passage from major room to minor room to toilets as a move through a series of rooms - but I take your point.
Lorraine Michelle
Directly down the stairs to a big (as a minute) room. Benches attached to the walls on 3 sides. Bar and record booth on far left hand side. Turn left in front of that to second room. Stairs to fires escape to St. Anne's (?) Court on the right - always locked. Wonder what Elf 'n Safety would make of that these days. Directly ahead a couple of steps leading down to the cloakroom which had a toilet either side. I think that was 2 rooms, but I suppose it depends on whether you're buying or selling.
No Lorraine, it was LET - and in one sense there was a "series" of rooms in the basement as there was the main dance-floor, the room facing the stairs and the corridor in front of the cloakroom - so 2 or 3 rooms?
Lorraine Michelle
Would love to think it was Les Enfants, but that didn't have a series of rooms (only 2). More likely to have been The 2-i's
Just love Robert's story, don't you!
Robert Kelly
In the late 1950's, probably it was 1959, I was an American sailor on board a ship that made a ports call at Portsmouth. We were allowed liberty each day from 12:00 noon until midnight and for several of the 7 days we we're in port I and several of my shipmates, all about 19 or 20 years old, would make a dash for a train at Portsmouth station and travel to London.

In one of our earlier forays we discovered a coffee house in Soho with this name. I can remember that it was down a flight of stairs to a series of small rooms and that it was populated by young people of our own generation. There was recorded music, dancing, and much conversation back and forth. On one occasion we met a black man who was dressed quite dandily and who, it was told to us, was a prince of the Ethiopian royal family. Could have been a lie of course, but we preferred to think it was so.

Other than what I say here I remember very little. I know that we returned on one or two other days, drawn by the allure of a place unfamiliar in our own experiences. From what I've read here and elsewhere about places with this same name, it might have been in a period earlier than what is being discussed here, so I must guess either that the place I was in was an earlier instance or that it was an entirely different place merely with the same name.

Odd that such a memory persists now, 55 years on. I am, though, quite sure of the details that I recount here, sketchy though they are. I suppose that it made an impression on an impressionable young American without much worldly experience at the time.
lynn stringer
Ah, the highs and lows of Friday afternoons at Les Enfants.... the highlight of my ghastly week at a very academic school. I’d sneak out through a gap in the hedge during the hockey game, scoot to Canons Park Station, and tart myself up in the station loo – all backcombed hair, panda eyes, and panstick to whiten the lips! Must have looked a fright, but with skirt hitched up to the thighs, school shirt opened as far as I dare, thought I was Brigitte Bardot – yeah, right! If time, would change into my favourite salmon pink denim shirt – the latest rage from Italy. Guess we were around 15/16 years old. At that age it seemed so deliciously decadent and exciting! The music I rememberin particular was Adamo (“Une Meche de Cheveux”), Adriano Celentano (“Su Nel Cielo”), etc. etc. and of course Chubby Checker’s “Twist”. Jiving, smooching with foreign waiters, it was a schoolgirl’s dream.. now, of course, my daughter’s generation has grown up with the American dream, rather than the Continental. We were so much more sophisticated and luckier! Lovely to have my memories jolted. (I am the LYNN mentioned by Elaine and Sue).
Lorraine Michelle
I remember Giangi well - a very snazzy dresser. Was his girlfriend/wife called Susan? I think he had a shop in Knightsbridge selling material for suits.

I am the SUE mentioned by Elaine who truly did change out of school uniform and immerse myself in Les Enfants, without parental knowledge! Reading the memories has just transported me back to the very smelly telephone box outside where I’m afraid there were sometimes ‘trysts’ with Italian waiters. I learnt to jive French/Italian style with great dancers, I met strippers and the ‘foreign’ life of Soho came there. It was just a great place, first major loves and liaisons. My sister, being older, was the one who introduced me and Elaine to the place, she did indeed marry Mario and moved to the Bahamas when a wave of Les Enfants guys went out there as croupiers. The marriage didn’t last but Mario is still around in the US and my sister returned with the product of their relationship, a wonderful daughter, my niece.

I’d forgotten all about the Moka Ris but now visualise it well. We were a group of north London Jewish girls, older than our chronological ages compared to school friends, who had a ball in what was then a safe scene, despite the fact of my sister having witnessed a murder in Dean Street, just down the road and having to become a witness!

Les Enfants is never to be forgotten with a rather sour faced Lucio turning away those he didn’t want – I only ever got rare smiles! but oh boy, the guy behind the cloakroom was gorgeous. I learnt my Italian there, improved my French and whenever I hear Charles Aznavour or some Italian songs of the period, I get a thrill. Best teenage years ever.

Sue Lytton

Les Enfants Terribles was such an important part of my life between 1963 and 1965. I was there three times a week, I'm sure, cutting school in the afternoons for the sheer joy of dancing.
I remember Mary Wells and the Swinging Blue Jeans among the sound track, and especially the Spanish student living in London who honed my continental jive - Jose-Luis Barquin. There was something really heady about hiding away in a cellar from 3.30 till 6.30pm and then going home and having supper with a family who had no idea about my subterranean afternoon activities.
I can't remember whether Elaine introduced me to Les Enfants or vice-versa, or our mutual friend Lynn, or the other girls in my year at South Hampstead High School who also went, but I like to think I discovered this wonderful underground world of the 60s first. And the Moka Ris opposite, where we surfaced to have the occsional coffee, was also an important part of the scene.
I thought of Les Enfants when my son had his barmitzvah almost opposite in 1994 at the then Dean Street Synagogue. It was 30 years from the heyday of Les Enfants.

Adrian, please feel free to enter this in the guestbook and let me know which website Elaine came across - I would love to revisit that lost world!
Anthea Gerrie, nee Goldberg

We used to go there after school in the afternoons. In fact, my friend Sue would arrive in her school uniform and do a quick change somewhere. Her sister married Mario Pasquini whom she met there. Another friend of mine married Giangi who used to work behind the bar and now lives in Marbella although they are no longer married. I remember Roberto who worked in the cloakroom, very effeminate with a hooked nose who was a wonderful dancer.
We would leave our handbags under the benches in the back room while we danced. It all seemed very safe at that time. I have another friend who was not a regular but came with me one day, met a French chef and they got married. They produced two children and are still together. She went and lived with his family in France after high school until he had finished his military service.

I am sure we were pretty much under age when we started to go to Les Enfants and one time Lucio turned me away when I had a date to meet a German photographer I had met the previous week. I was devastated.

Unfortunately, I have no memorabilia or photos although I am sure I kept many of my entrance tickets. I now live in Los Angeles and all that stuff got thrown away when I left home.

lorraine michelle
Does anyone else remember the prints on the walls downstairs? Clowns by Bernard Buffet?
Carol Boyd
Does anyone remember Leno Pumares (Spanish from La Linea) worked as a bartender at the Hilton Hotel, around 1965-67. married an English girl named Carole. Had two sons. Had a brother named Roger (English version).
carol boyd
Went to les enfants in the 60's. Remember so many of the names mentioned. I am in the photo with Felipe, Roberto, and betty' s (previous owner) nephew Stewart. Live in the USA now. Last time I was in London I went to LES so sad to see it changed. Was very good friends with georgina. Stayed at her place on Shaftesbury ave many times. She was truely a lovely person as was fillipe. Does anyone remember Leno Pumares (Spanish). He was a bartender at the Hilton and married an english girl named carol ( not me)
zara phillips
Hi Guys I am still looking for Vittorio,he went to Les Enfants in 1963,64 I finally spoke to the owners brother
franco who described a vittorio that he knew and said he was still in london in 1967. So his description is not quite 6ft,slim build and straight hair,quite manner and worked as a waiter in piccadilly and franco said also for the Italian government looking for communists...so he says..Vittorio lived in Victoria near the station above a shop. aparently from Rome if this is familar please message me thanks
Lorraine michelle
It was probably around 1.00 o'clock by the time you had washed the floors and cleared up! I also remember them closing the fire escape door with a padlock to stop people getting downstairs without paying - can you imagine that happening today! It was actually owned by Betty. She was the original "cougar! and Gigi was the original "toy-boy"!!!
Times are changing dear Lorraine .Been working there( as waiter) from december 1967 to the end of 1969 , I remember closing down every morning around 1 to 2°clock . Best love to you all.
ps: If remembering right, Dennis Fine sold LETto Gigi and co.
Lorraine michelle
Marvellous site. Les Enfants Terrible was sold to the manager (Lucio Davanzo) by Gigi and his wife Betty. Someone mentioned "dancing the night away". Pretty difficult as they only had a licence to stay open until 11.00pm! On Sundays the basement was made into an extension of the coffee bar upstairs as dancing wasn't allowed. It was a regular hangout for Italian waiters - the French students were seasonal and only appeared during Easter & summer holidays.
Daniel gregory
When in England I used to spend a lot of time in Les Enfants from the late 50s to the mid 60s when I moved to The French to enjoy a demi with Gaston'
Great site Adrian x
oui je crois aussi adrian..probablement une carte publicitaire distribuee dans les rues de soho et piccadilly pour attirer les nouveaux clients et touristes ......
Gino - oui. Mais carte de membre, non car il n'y en avaient pas! Il n'y avait pas de club car LET n'avait pas de license pour la consommation d'alcoohol - une logique anglaise si tu ne le comprends pas. Mais de toute facon il n'y avait pas de cartes de membre - Lucio disait qu'il fallait être membre aux gens qu'il ne voulait pas laisser descendre dans la boîte. La cardte et une des celles qu'on distribuait dans la rue pour attirer des gens
you are welcome adrian.. you deserve it ... you have a great site and you make many people happy with it ... i guess the artist was "gino" (it's written next to the leg of the boy)..it looks like e member-card to me ... probably the only one there is still around... do not loose it adrian...
Just added a surprise item: an introduction card to LET from 1968
Fab web site! Always interesting and surprising...
Sorry about the spam today. The spammer has been blocked and his internet provider blacklisted.
alan rogers
Went to the club 68/69/early 70s used it in the day while I was rehursing in soho with a French black singer(tani?)then came back in the night met my partner there(Elaine) feb 69 we're still together and live in cornwall...
sheila lorraine rowhan
Adrian, keep up the brilliant work!
I've made some changes which I hope are improvements - to the floating side menus but mostly to the songs page where I've added the possibility of reporting "broken links", ie those videos no longer available for whatever reason. There are some small bugs remaining but it works fairly well but don't hesitate to complain!
I missed the football match as I was in France at the time I think - being chased by CRS and rioters both!
I remember the "Four Seasons" as a luxury hotel at the foot of Park Lane, but in Bond St., the place to be seen at night after dancing at " Samantha's"
Was " The Sands" alas now gone. The coffee shop / sandwich bar adjacent to Scott Adie was called "Queen's" . It survived until fairly recently, pushed out by high rents I suppose.
Adrian, - now I see why I haven't been able to locate the shop when Bjørn and I have been trying to find it!!
Yes, Josiane was such a nice friend then, and for the couple of years when she lived here in Denmark as well, but as I didn't continue my relationship with Serge, I didn't see her often, - and then suddenly she had left, and I never saw or heard from her again. When I by chance bumped into Serge one day years ago in Copenhagen he told me that Josiane had died young, and also that Jean Michel probably lived in USA.
I just had another look at the photo from the football-match, --- is it you in the front of the picture in that fantastic outfit??
Vibeke, Scott Adie were at 12A Clifford St (off Bond St) and went into liquidation 6th October 1981.
I think I miss Josiane still today.
Hi Adrian. You really got me thinking!!!
For years I have been convinced that both W Bill and Scott Adie had their shops in Bond St, but maybe Scott Adie was in one of the streets off Bond St ?? (Conduit or Clifford St? ) We bought the shetlands in both shops though, but always bought our kilts in Scott Adie's. And as they were usually too long, we took a pair of scissors and cut them to a more suitable lenght for the 60'es!
And Josiane and I also used to have our tea/coffee and a fantastic piece of cake at the "4 Seasons" when we were out shopping in the Bond St area.
Love Vibeke
P.s. These days it's cashmere or nothing darlings!!!!
I was surfing the net and found that Westerway and Westerway while having closed the British Museum shops maintain an on-line business. Nothing beats trying on all those wonderful colours at Scott Adie or at Westerway to see just how small one could be to fit perfectly. I can still feel the scratch of the wool to this day.
It's funny you talk about Scott Adie in Bond St and not W Bill! I still have my tweed socks bought there around 1967 it must have been. My best fairisle sweaters came from that shop - just beautiful they were. Too small and tight they were even then Vibeke! But we liked the look.
My favourite shop however was always Westaway & Westaway on Museum St. I still have sweaters, cardigans and socks from there - the oldest shetland sweater must be from the early 1980s. My son inherited some of my old sweaters but as he liked big clothes they soon became too small even for him. I remember W&W's prices being less than Marks & Spencers' - that can't be so, can it? But the frame-woven sweaters of a quite other quality. Could they have cost as much as £5 or £6 around 1965?
Yes, that was quite a bargain for the shetlands and a lot of the other stuff, too! - But Josiane and I used to go to Scott Adie's in Bond Street to buy our shetlands! Also we paid a lot more than 35/- then for the shetlands we wore in Le Kilt at that time. Wish I'd kept some of them also, - but anyway, they surely would be too small and tight today!!
The "Kilt Soir" is impressive considering the time required to design & print over 20 years before the now ubiquitous newsletter software. How I wish I had bought some of those shetlands advertised at 35/- !!!
Hi Adrian.
I'm glad that Le Kilt Soir is now available on this fantastic site, after 46 years. They have "survived quite a few adresses since London 1968 when they were first issued!
Wishing everybody A Happy New Year.
Love from Vibeke.
Pierre E.Oberson
Cher Jean-Claude,
Eh oui...il y a quelques temps l'ami Alfredo annonça ma première mort( heureusement fausse )et du coup activait la toile,me permettant de le retrouver à Milan.On dit que cela porte chance,je lui devrai donc de devenir centenaire :-)
Et toi,es tu retourne en France,à Marseille si je me souviens bien?Si tu en as envie tu peus me contacter à info@kijani-Lamu.com
Je te souhaite à toi et ta famille une très bonne année inventive et surprenante au possible.

The previous entry reminds one of Mark Twain following publication of an erroneous obituary, "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated".

Pierre E.Oberson
9 Ladbrook Square,unforgettable memory's!
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you where ever you are.
Pierre E.Oberson
que 45 ans?
Avez-vous assiste a la boum du 24 Decembre au 31 Decembre 1968 a No: 9, Ladbrook Square, Londres?
45 ans deja, il faut le faire!!

Avez-vous assiste a la boum du 24 Decembre au 31 Decembre 1968 a No: 9, Ladbrook Square, Londres?
45 ans deja, il faut le faire!!
Hi Adrian. What a great reunion after all this time. Who would have thought that 40 plus years could slip by so quickly.
Vibeke Schaarup
Hi Adrian.
Great to see the photoes! I shall try to organisere a few more photoes and send them to you, so that even more memories can be shared!
Still, it was so fantastic to meet again in Richmond, after 44 years!! I shall never forget.
Love, Vibeke .
Finally added the rest of the pictures I got from Vibeke - in Soho/Le Kilt pictures!
tres interessant l' article adrian !!! merci
Just added an interesting blog/article mentioning LET to THE PLACE page.
For those who might remember Martin from Le Kilt, sadly,he passed away about three weeks ago.
jean - claude teste
I too remember les enfants went there with Olivia Esperance and some others.. also went to Le Chat and Le Bataclan and La Poubelle happy memories.

e esperance
Didier Dembri
Hi Adrian.Sorry to hear about Martin Sandhill.When was he the manager.Was it before i arrived on the scene.Have bought a house in London yet.Give me some news of the family.I was meant to go to Munich for the beer festival to see Charles who kindly invited me over.But unfortunately i could find anyone to look after kids.I have tried to call Albert over the phone but no Luck.If you re reading this Albert i will try again in the near future.I will try to write more in the future.
Dear Adrian,

This is my email address. I didn't leave it initially as I was concerned that it would be published. I would be happy to discuss my memories.

Best wishes,
Bittersweet memories of Les Enfants. Mostly sweet. I was 15 when I first went there in either 1970. I remember the wonderful coffee and the fascinating characters. Fascino, Tulip and the female DJ. I also recall Lucio,? the owner, a small man. I also remember Jacques from Morocco who worked there. My friend Liz went out with him for a while. I would often go there with my friend Sharon after school and at the weekends. Sadly she died in 1976. This is an excellent site. I had forgotten all the other venues nearby, like 'Le Kilt'. I certainly remember The Bataclan just off Hanover Square.... I still live and work in the London area. I am an artist. Maybe someone remembers me? Best wishes, Lorraine
Pierre E.Oberson
Hi! Johnny,Oh yes,45 years,more than half a life.Are youJohn the Canadian ?
Take care,Pierre
Pierre Oberson retrouve!! Cela fait 45 ans au moins depuis que l'on s'est vu. Ooblady /Ooblada
Hi!Vibeke.The moonlanding are still one of my favorite,especially from where I am leaving now.Big hag

Pierre Oberson retrouve!! Cela fait 45 ans au moins depuis que l'on s'est vu. Ooblady /Ooblada
Vibeke Schaarup
Hi Pierre!
What a surprise! I remember watching the moonlanding with you and Serge in your flat in 1969. Nice to know that you are still around, like some of the others I have been in contact with lately. I Will contact you on your mail soon!
Love from Vibi / Vibeke
Pierre E.Oberson
Hy Vibeke,hi Adrian !! I am Pierre Oberson.My heart is bumping and I feel quite emotional after so long .
Surfing the net I just fund my name related to Les EnFants so for good memory's I try to investigate,fund the site and read the small Adrian message about the Oblady...Oblada party.Woaoooooohh.
Good to know you are still around guys.I am leaving in Kenya from 1989 and run a small.hotel called Kijani Hotel in Lamu Island.after London I went back to Swizzerland for a year and then moved to Milan until 1988.
I really hope to hear from you soon.
Take care.
Peace and Love
Hi Joâo Mendes.
I saw your comment in the guestbook. I also know that you met Chris on your way to visit Martin 10 days ago in London. On the same day I was leaving London after 2 weeks stay with our family there. I just got in contact with Martin and Chris recently by mail, via Adrian. I have been living in Dk since late -69 when I left with Serge, Josiane and Jean Michel.
Nice to know that you are well. Do you still live in Portugal?
Love from Vibi.
Et moi aussi, j'ai vu Georgie Fame avec Alan Price au piano au Flamingo a plusieurs reprises.
Patrick Bireaud
Je me souviens très bien du "Golden Egg "où souvent nous terminions nos nuits. Au "Flamingo" j'ai entendu chanter Georgie Fame et surtout Little Stevie Wonder pour ceux qui se souviennent c'était son nom à l'époque.
Jon Friend
Great pictures of "The Flamingo" or as we called it then "the Mingo" ha ha" and above the "Whisky a -go-go" . I remember pre car spending all night in that window waiting for the first train home to Edgware from Leicester Sq. Seeing the police taking Mingo patrons away in a black van was a normal 6 am Sunday morning occurrence. Does any one remember club called Le Discotech furthers own Wardour St and the fabulous Swiss Centre across the street. Always handy for a quick pipi if caught short!
Jon Friend
Sue. I also remember late night (2-4am) after club munchies at "The Golden Egg" Marble Arch across from Selfridges. And how about "Sands" in Bond Steet?
Joao Mendes
Bravo !
Nice description of the Kilt... and La Poubelle... I am the Joao that you mention
at the Door with Martin in command. At the Kilt in 1966 we had Pino and Jose at the inside Bar and
. There was a Blackjack Table and the croupier was a greek fellow Chris. Later on came the dutch the fellow you mentioned that opened the unsuccessfull Pit Stop....

The La Poubelle was a former Club called The Establishement owned by Peter Cook
going well with Nino and Albert on the records..
and then became The Experience and we had Nino and Henry Yap at the Bar
and Enzo and Jean Baptiste Mondino in the records...
Those were the good old days.
Roy Deverell
Sad to hear about Gigi. What ever became of Alain, Betty's son? Do you know, Duncan?
Duncan Moir
Great history of a Soho icon - many thanks.
You referred to the early years when LET was run by Gigi and "Carol" . Gigi was a wonderful man called Luigi Gallacci, who was my father in law, who sadly died, in France, this week (April 2013). He often had stories from the late 50's. I worked in Soho from 86 to 2011 and saw a lot of changes, but Luigi's view was always more exciting! I think Carol was actually Betty, his wife, who passed away in the late 80's. RIP Gigi.
Sue Harvey
What a brilliant site! I have looked several times for history about this (and other ) clubs that my friend and I used to frequent in the 70's. We lived in outer London (west drayton) and would come into London 3 or 4 times a week to go 'disco dancing' till the early hours! We would call in at the Skyline hotel at heathrow airport on the way back home for an early morning snack, get home around 4 and then a few hours sleep before work. How did we do it - just one late night takes me several to get over now! Another club we used to go to was Thursdays (in Regent street) and of course La Val Bonne - which was open at lunchtimes. I used to go there quite a bit when I worked in London. Does anyone who went to La Val Bonne know a quite elderly (or so I thought then - probably about my age now!) lady who was often there on her own and would dance in the middle of the floor - old fashioned stuff - lots of fancy footwork - but to the modern disco tunes? Memories! Please keep adding to this site - its wonderful
not found
Great page .Greetings From Poland.
Hi Jon
North of Toronto.

Do I Know you

Jon Friend
Hi Howard, where in Cda? are you in TO?
If you want to see some Reggiani just add some Jon!
Hi Adrian,
Great job on the site. Many a time I would go to Les Enfants especialy on a sunday and hang around with the lads. Great times. Unfortuantely we won't live throught those wonderful times again.

Howard (now in Canada)
Jon friend
Spent a nostalgic evening listening to what has to be the most comprehensive compilation of "our music". Thinking of Sunday afternoons at LET in 67 and 68.
Well done Adrian. Look for some Serge Reggiani to make my trip,complete. Also , Scott Walker "(Are you going to San Francisco)big hit at LET in hippie times and Sly and the Family Stone. (Dance to the Music)How I removed dancing to them too.
I see that EMI has removed a few of the videos for copyright violation. In these days of sharing it seems so quaint!

joelle eeckels
encore bravo! C'est tres interactif, ca marche bien, c'est interessant (plein d'anecdotes que meme les plus ignares dont je fais partie peuvent profiter), en plus c'est tres joli (le fond est super) et tres soigne (le choix des caracteres et des couleurs) y a de la musique du tonnerre et de l'amitie avec des rencontres possibles a la clef, bref, j'adore tout simplement!
New pictures added to Le Kilt Pictures
Vibeke Schaarup
Hi Adrian, Yes, of course I should have left my email. Here it comes ********.******@gmail.com
But I still wonder if I know you from back in the swinging sixties? What did you look like then? In fact I recognized quite a few faces in the photoes, But I can't remember their names. Old age I guess!
How come you made This fabulous site? And White did you gået all the photoes?
I have some Here in Dk that you Might want, and I'll have a look for some more.
My husbond Bjørn and I are going to London late March.
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards, Vibeke.
Oh Vibeke! Why didn't you leave your mail address? Please get in touch.
Cast pictures added thanks to Albert!
The same change now on the music page. A floating menu on the right with the commands to add a song or go to top. Eventually the fixed menu at the top may be made to float too.
I've just made a change to "the cast of characters" (the people/by name on the menu) and put some commands on a "floating" menu that follows you as you scroll so they're always available. I'll do this throughout as soon as I have time. And if you use Mozilla as your browser I'm afraid it doesn't work at all there yet.
Jon Friend
I see in this site a cross over with le Centre Charles Peguy. I have been researching its history and place in London from 1955 onwards. The centre is now nothing but an employment agency, however it was located in Leicester Sq, as part of the Notre Dame de France churcch around the corner from which it could be accessed. founded by Pere Le Creurer as a catholic outreach for francophone youth to have home from home providing moral support duing their stay in London.While many would enjoy the dance evening Saturday or Sunday, there were bridge evenings and a weekly film night. It had its own coffe bar where habitues could chat or play belotte. As they years went on the Mariste fathers left London and either died or retured back in France. Now that London is such a different place than back in the 50s/60s & 70s with Eurostar etc and young peole not having to live like bohemians Le CCP is no longer a gathereing place but just an office.
Hi all!
I've updated the way most of the streets are shown under "SOHO" on the menu. You can now write comment to all the pictures.
There will be more streets and pictures to come.
Christian ( de marseille )
Jean Paul : A tout hazard, serais tu belge & apres Londres... le Canada ?
Catherine. Le Centre Charles Peguy entre 1970 et 73. J'etais un des minets qui y dansaient les dimanches soirs. On etait nombreux qui travailaient it a Londres a l'epoque. Nous etions une vraie bande de bons copains, mais maintenant tous perdus dans le temps. Je reconnais qulques 'uns des photos sur ce site.
Des francais, des belges, des Suisses, des au pairs. Moi je travallais comme coiffeur a Bond St après être venu d'un salon a Bruxelles. J'ai eu la chance d'avoir une voiture de sports bien rouge et dois admettre avoir ete assez snob et drageur avec! Quelle frimeur!

Wishing You All A Happy & Prosperous New Year x
A.L. Amerini
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year/Bonne Année/Buon Anno
I've added a few more places to "SOHO" on the menu - enjoy!
Catherine MORVAN
Il y a 1 mois (le 23 j'etais à POOL sud de l'angleterre) Jean-paul me demandait si je me souvenais de lui....non, mais peut-etre avec une photo ? Adrian, si tu pouvais faire le même appel sur le centre Charles peguy que sur "les enfants terribles" ce serait génial !!!!!! tu te souviens de Muriel d'Ornano du Lycée Français ? Jean-Paul, j'attends plus de précision !!!!!!!

Jon wanted a separate section for this, but that wouldn't really be suitable as it wasn't a public place at all, much as it felt at times like a railway station:


The period page simply must have 9 Ladbroke Square.
Before the gentrification of the square the house was managed by Pierre Richard who collected the rents. Among the residents between 1968 and 1969 were John Kenny (Cdn). Pierre Oberson (CH). Sebastien from the Kilt and his dog Rex. Jean de Harang ( B ) and several Marseillais whose names I forget. It was the scene of many a party especially the non–stop between Dec 24th and Dec 31st , 1969. Adrian spent much time with various ladies (Elisabeth I think) in a room decorated with aluminum foil where candles and incense burned. The few records we had included The Beatle’s White Album and “Ooo Blaa Dee Ooo blah dah” playing together with “No 9”. Adrian was so exhausted on New Year’s Day and had to work that I drove him to work in my 1957 Morris 1000 to his office off Great Portland St leaving him lying in the gutter. The house was a home from home on Sunday afternoons to gather before going to La Poubelle, Les Enfants or later The Countdown.

C.S. Catlin
Thank you for keeping alive the memory of “Les Enfants Terribles”. I t was '62 - '63 when I frequently stopped in for an espresso to accompany my ‘Gitane’ which I smoked only because they were in style. (Pleased to brag I gave up that nasty habit many years ago.) Sometimes I went downstairs and danced with who ever asked me, but I was a loner, didn’t get to know anyone in particular. ‘Les Enfants’ was simply a fleeting escape from..., to a world I so much wanted to belong to even if it was for just an espresso and a ‘Gitane’.
With sweet nostalgia for that which was and no longer is, but remains forever alive in the memories of our youth.
C.S. Catlin
December 08, 2012
My dearest twin sister, Margaret (who unfortunately is no longer in the physical world and whom I miss with all my heart) and I used to live at Le Kilt. We went there in the 1960's and would love to know if anybody remembers us.

Thank you.

Cherche les Francais qui a visite Les Enfants pendants les 1954/55.
Y at-il des copains qui connaissaient Jean Paul, surtout Louis et Guy.

Hi all!
Now we're back to normal - I hope. Just no-one marks these mails as spam in future we should be all right. I still don't understand the overreaction to a single spam click but it was AOL and they seem to be very picky!
Catherine: A propos du Centre Peguy. t'souviens -toi de Jean-Paul , member 1967-1972?
Catherine MORVAN
Hi Adrian,
a long time without speaking to you, remember Charles Peguy, leicester square, 1967 - 1969, How are you Adrian ? kisses xxxxxxx
I believe our generation had the best time ever, the best music etc. and London was the greatest place to be! Thank you so much Adrian for this site and refreshing our memories of great times at Les Enfants and Le Kilt!!!
Paolo Onori
It was march 1965, and i was 22 yrs old, feeling like 18, coming from Rome Italy in the greatest dream of my life: London. At les enfent i spent often time with friends and beautifull girl friends.
I spoke to Jean Claude a couple of years ago and with Franco and Paolo brothers of Lucio (owner at the time) Lucio died years before, and so Giorgina, i don't know what ever happened to Paul or Davide. I miss those young days very much, a student with no money, but it was the greatest time of my life. There is no day that i dont think about it, may be one day i'll write a book about it and all of us from Les Enfent.
Hi all!
Just added a bit to the articles on fashion. Have you seen the pictures from the Kilt I got from Martin? Lot's of faces to identify - please!
I've just added a new section under Soho called "Le Kilt pictures" which is a collection of pictures of staff and guests at the Kilt. I recognise and can name some people but if you recognise anyone (or yourself!) do add a comment and let us know.
Jon Friend
Jon Harris, are you by any chance Jonathan Harris who lived on Watford Way and went to school in Edgware?
Andrea Amerini son of Lanfranco Amerini
Great site. I´m sad my father can´t see it anymore!
Hi all!
Just added some pix - cast, smoking and fashion.
Now for some gossip - I seem to remember Gigi being with a "girl" called Carol - she taught me how to jive properly - and I always thought she was his wife!
roy deverell
zara phillips
Hey can I get Roy Deverells email by any chance?
Roy Deverell
Great to find a site dedicated to Les Enfants Terribles, the central focus of my social life from around 1959 to 1963. I would go most nights after school and worked the coffee machine and the 'disco' at weekends. I became very best friends with Gigi's (the owner) manager, Terry Mann. Gigi's wife was Betty, by the way. They had a son, Alain. Anyway, it was a great time experienced by a relative handful of people by today's standards.
Frequently stopped by Les Enfants in the mid 60's for a coffee and of course a fag. Had this thing about anything French, maybe five years of French at school may have had something to do with it! I think I still have a few EP's, Michel Polnareff, Hugues Aufrey, Christophe, Richard Anthony, Marie Laforet of course, and Monsieur Aznavour. What memories, what a great time to live in London. Merci Adrian
This is the third time someone who doesn't leave a mail address has left the same message as Eileen. Still no idea who it is or why!
zara phillips
Hi Adrian, I talked to franco who was the brother of the owner if 'Les enfants' he does remember a Vittorio and described him just how my birth mother did but we have no last name still. It seems he was still around in 1967.
If anyone remembers a Vittorio from 1964,tall skinny with straight hair please contact me,he would have been 22 years old and lived in Victoria he was over from Italy studing English. I do not have a last name if anyone knows please email me.
Phillip Shulman
Adrian,you,ve atchieved what this site was all about from the beginning.As the Beatles said " Come together over me".Within one week ,Jon Harris,Howard Solo and David Lipman using your site to go back to the Sixtees.Love to all and well done Adrian.A drink awaits when we meet in London in 2013.
Frequently stopped by Les Enfants in the mid 60's for a coffee and of course a fag. Had this thing about anything French, maybe five years of French at school may have had something to do with it! I think I still have a few EP's, Michel Polnareff, Hugues Aufrey, Christophe, Richard Anthony, Marie Laforet of course, and Monsieur Aznavour. What memories, what a great time to live in London. Merci Adrian
Jon Harris
Hi, I was a regular at this place is the mid / late sixties, part of a gang of friends that hung out there. It was the perfect place to gather to meet old friends and new and enjoy some good music and dancing downstairs.

This is a really good site and a nice tribute to some fond memories of that era.

Hi Adrian and all you les enfant terribles, I hope you are doing well.

Best Regards, Jon

Today I added some "new" cast photos that will certainly interest some people. Take a look!
Hi all,
Just a small addition to the fashion page.
Frequently stopped by Les Enfants in the mid 60's for a coffee and of course a fag. Had this thing about anything French, maybe five years of French at school may have had something to do with it! I think I still have a few EP's, Michel Polnareff, Hugues Aufrey, Christophe, Richard Anthony, Marie Laforet of course, and Monsieur Aznavour. What memories, what a great time to live in London. Merci Adrian
Jacky Bouffy Pourpre
Hi ,are you Eillen O'Sullivan from Southall ??
If Eileen pops by again can she get in touch via the contact form?
Frequently stopped by Les Enfants in the mid 60's for a coffee and of course a fag. Had this thing about anything French, maybe five years of French at school may have had something to do with it! I think I still have a few EP's, Michel Polnareff, Hugues Aufrey, Christophe, Richard Anthony, Marie Laforet of course, and Monsieur Aznavour. What memories, what a great time to live in London. Merci Adrian
...and if you meant Richard Anthony's song "Aranjuez, mon amour", he added that too!
Yes, you're right I had forgotten Alain Barrière's "Ma Vie", but Polo added it!
Ronnie Wolman
Jon yes its amazing but wasnt a regular there.Just went there a couple of times.Was looking around for anything written about the clubs and cafes of the 60's and stumbled on the site.
my e mail is ronnie.wolman@gmail.com

What light of day isn't today?
Ronnie. I can't believe that you and I having met in Toronto at the Pages never knew that we were old LET boys.
Christ what a small world. Up the Arsenal
Ronnie Wolman
You forgot Alain Barriere's great song Ma Vie
and also Richard Anthony's Mon Amour
Hi all!
There have been some problems with the site since i jazzed it up a bit, especially for those using browsers other than Internet explorer - or rather it only worked in explorer. But now i've fixed the problems and as far as i can see it'll work in all browsers. I think there are some small bugs still but those aren't major and will be fixed as time passes.
Thanks for your patience
Sorry about the double mail - a little bug.
Just added an historic dovument to the page "Le Kilt"
phillip shulman
Adrian been looking at new site.Being ancient as I am I,m finding it difficult to see new comments by our fellow 'enfant terrible'.Before they seemed to be automatically accessable but now I,m searching through the whole guest list and still not seeing it.Best wishes Phil
Hi all!

I've done some major revamping of the site - layout and graphics which although not 100% complete I think may be an improvement.
What do you think?
Still dying for more input from you all.


Ronnie Wolman
Use to go to the Kilt Thursdays,Cage d'or Tuesdays,whisky occasionally.
There was also a very small club near the Kilt called Les Cousins.
Those were the days...live in Canada now....
Sorry everyone - a spammer's broken through and at the moment I don't know how thy've done it. Fortunately only 2 mails.

Also apologies for Phillip writing to everyone when he meant to write to me (use Contact or mail me direct with site problems please!)
phillip shulman
Dear Adrian,I,d love to see cast pictures but nothing coming up,just words.Can you sort Phil.
I've added a few new photos, expanding Carnaby Street.
Hi everyone and a happy new year to you all.
Do you really think it wise to put your mail addresses here? The site is open so anyone can see them.
Zara Phillips
Thanks Jean claude I have sent you an email from zaramusic.
Zara Phillips
Jean Claude can you email me at www.zaramusic@***.com or post your email,thanks Zara
Sheila Rowhan
Wishing You All A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year and would like to thank Adrian for many great memories xxx
Well done Adrian. You've revived wonderful memories. I may not be the Irene on the cast list but I was a regular at LET. The Irene on the list may be Cilla's friend. She had hair a bit like Sandie Shaw. Anyway, Libby and I started coming to LET in Nov 67 (introduced by Angela and Adele from Streatham). Jean-Claude really made an impression on my first visit. Must have been the hair! I remember Lucio, Paolo, Franco, Pino, Murray and Malcolm well, and also Guiseppe Di Grazia and his lively friend Luigi. Giuseppe had various jobs but he was barman at Pitstop for a while. He later became manager of the restaurant Trattoria Toscana. Would love to make contact with him - can anyone help?
I remember the double helpings of LET on Sundays. We used to pass the time between afternoon and evening sessions at the Kenco Coffee House on the corner. Not sure when it change to a pizzeria. Happy New Year
Looking athe other clubs owned by Louis Brown. I remember when La Poubelle moved from Carlisle St, with Die Feldemaus) next to LET to Greek St. under the management of Jean -Pierre (Belgian who had managed Samanthas -Burlington Gardens off Saville Row Golden Jag E- type dj booth) . I was chatting to J-P upstairs when 4 heavies pushed them selves downstairs and turned the place over as a protection warning!! After that J-P managed "Countdown" in Newman St ( North of Oxford St) which had a" 2001"Space Odysssy decor". How cute is that? It isi hard to believe how young we were and now are drtaeing our pensiosn with free bus passes!
I also remember Adrian & I taking the bus to the Troubadour in Kensington. and of course there was the "Witches Caludron" in Belsize Park village.
Zara Phillips
Franco described a Vittorio that very possibly matches the description of the man we are looking for. He would have been 25 years old in 1967,he worked in leceister square as a waiter.
He gave Franco free tickets for the theater and said he also worked for the government. He was about 5,11 slim with straight hair,a bit of a loner,well dressed and handsome.
Does anyone remember him coming into Les Enfants and if so do you have a last name of the Vittorio you knew?
Christian. May 1968' you lived in Belzsize Park with Andree (RIP) and your German girlfriend. Andrews accident was terrible impossible to return her body to France suring Les Evenments de Mai. You and JC did very well.
Do you remember how you used to dance downstairs at LET by your self 3 steps forward and 3 steps back?
Adrian. I just read your smoking notes. I remember that you would bend the cardboard on Gitanes so that there was a blue strip in the front so that we would always know your pack. The best lighter from France was red and round with a gold top. I seem to recall it was called a DuPont. In the early 70s post LET and Poubelle the was a club called Countdown in Wells St. The manager was the famous Belgian Jean Claude who was previously manager at La Poubelle and Samanthas. What about the yellow taxi that belong to Jean Claude (du Kilt). I wonder what happened to Pino innthendark glasses and the spaniard who lisped. The must both be dead by now.
Zara Phillips
Thankyou Jean Claude I had a great chat with Franco today he did know a Vittorio his description is sounding similar to the one we are looking for but ...we still don't have a last name!! but I really apreciate your help as franco was so nice and kind!
Zara Phillips
Here is my email incase anyone has anything else they can share with me www.zaramusic@aol.com
Zara Phillips
Thank you Jean Claude anything is helpful !
David Barda
I am afraid that the Redveg restaurant does not existe anymore, even the street has disapeared
Zara Phillips
Murray can you email me I am trying to find people who went to 'les enfants' in 63 ,64 do you know the owneres last name and if he would still be alive? my email is www.zaramusic@aol.com thanks zara
murray levy
I also remember a guy called Ron, he drove a modified hillman Imp and dated a gorgeous Swedish girl called Christina. we then broke my fried Michael started going with her, I got stuck with her friend Kia, who was ice cold :-)
Murray Levy
Hah, just saw the name Pino, looking back he was the typical aging Italian Lech, he was a miserable bastard
Murray Levy
I think i remember you Adrian, I just connected with my friend Michael on facebook, are any of the old faces on facebook? do you remember me? look me up on facebook
Julian collis
Went there most nites looking for anything that wanted me=still looking
Murray Levy
I was a regular at les enfants throughout the 60s my friends Michael F Julian C went at least 3 times a week, this was the only club open on a sunday afternoon, Lucio the owner took us out to lunch on one occasion and we considered ourselves "the faces". Jean Claude was the waiter and I bumped into him at one of the middlesex hospital clinics (ahem). I also went with David L Johnathon H, Howard and Malcolm S. I look back on those times in the 60s as some of the best times of my life
Bravo et merci Adrian! quel joli travail.
j'adore les anecdotes dont tu te souviens.Je viens de retrouver un carnet ,une note de Joëlle qui dit qu'elle me rejoint aux Enfants...émouvant.
Zara Phillips
meant to say birthmother met my birthfather!!
Zara Phillips
This club is where my birthfather met my birthfather I was given up for adoption in 1964,reunited with my birthmother Patricia sampson (her name then) .
My Father was over from Italy and worked in the piccadilly area as a waiter ,he lived in Victoria .
His name was Vittorio I have no last name he did know that Patricia was pregnant .
If anyone has any ideais please let me know ! I would love to talk to anyone that went to the club in 1963,64
my website is www.everythingzara.com
Adrian: I am glad to see that we have more visitors "des revenanants". How about the music they played ?Adamo "'Kilimajaro", Jacques Dutronc "et moi et moi et moi" & "mini mini", that stupid "Gaston y' a le telephone qui sonne", A Whiter Shade of Pale","Aquarius & Laisser Entrer le Soleil" from Hair. How about the after LET party of Xmas 1968 (7 days) at 9 Ladbroke Square chez Pierre Richard (la Bretagne), Pierre Oberson (Suisse) & John Kenney (Canada)!! et et Jean-Pierre (Belgique) manager of La Poubelle in Greek St and later Samantha's (with DJ in a gold Jag e-type)
Adrian, at last - somebody had to do it. Was Henry Chinese? I knew a large Chinese guy called Henry who worked the bar at The Experience Club up the road (my happy home in 71). Le Kilt was my happy home in 76). How I loved it there. Love the pic of Fiona and Didi. If Jean-Pierre (from Switzerland) ever gets on here, (you worked the bar 75-76) happy daysx
Jeannette DaCosta
Fab sight,. very well done Adrian, wonder if we would recognise anyone now, how about a reunion XX
Well done Adrian and I hope your site will grow to the expected level !
My name is Christian & I had the best part of my life shared in-between Les rnfants T, Le Bataclan & Le Kilt.
All sweet memories.
I am still a Londoner after all this time!
My best wishes !
Adrian: Quite fantastic work. It is so redolent of the summer of love 1967 (Sgt Pepper playing in the sweaty basement at LET with the tiny loo) on a Sunday afternoon. Patricia Hamilton, (workd at Hachette) lLeslry White (Streatham) and Les Evenment de Mai 1968. My summer in Belgium and I thnk you went on a "pilgamage" to Paris. Remember we used to shrink our shetlands from Westaway & Scott Adie.

A toutes les au pairs avec je suis sorti, ou ramenees a Edgware/Stanmore apres une soiree a LET, oui c'set moi avec la MG Rouge!!
RIP Andree (de Lyon) morte a Londres Juin 1968.

Jacky Pourpre
Moi le petit francais egare dans les annees 60's dans le swinging London,quel beaux souvenirs aux Enfants avec ma girlfriend Eileen et son amie Caroline
merci Adrien pour se site
Good ol les enfants.Went there in 1964 with my mate Ricardo (from Malaga). I remember snuffing a gorgeous Swedish girl there one night. Fabulous era.
Good job there, excellent... and ppl appreciate!

p.s.: I like yr pic, with the glasses ;-)

Sharyn Smith
Lovely memories of the 60's at Les Enfants. Clearly remember Lucio and his brothers Franco and Paolo. And who could forget Jean Claude. Those were definitely the days!
Brilliant idea to do this Adrian.

Many memories of Les Enfants - when we first went there Lucio was just the manager. My sister and I spent the best part of our mis spent youth at Les Enfants. My sister met her first husband there. I was 14 when I first went there, size 8 and with a good sense of style. the dj was a fantastic dancer. (Yves?) I can remember one packed saturday night kissing someone all through La Bamba - 1 v long kiss We had a great time there and remember Lucio, his wife Betty, Alain from Switzerland who worked the coffee machine. After my sister got married I met up with a gaggle of girls, dee dee, anne, Helen and we kept going there. Remember Franco the wi-aiter who all the girls adored.. No pics sorry. but lots of memories
hope a lot of people find the site and contribute memories and pix