Association à but non lucratif, le Centre Charles-Péguy a été fondé en 1954 à Londres, avec pour mission d’aider les jeunes Français dans leur insertion sociale et professionnelle. Il est subventionné en partie par le Ministère des Affaires étrangères français et soutenue activement par le Consulat de France à Londres et rattachée au Centre d’Echanges Internationaux (CEI). Le Consulat Général de France est ensuite devenu partenaire de l’association, qui est alors passée sous droit anglais (Charitable trust).
En 1983, le groupe CEI (Centre d’échanges internationaux) a repris la direction et la supervision du Centre Charles-Péguy. Le centre est localisé au 28 Brunswick Place près de Old Street à Londres.
La vocation est d’accompagner dans leur insertion professionnelle et sociale les francophones âgés de 18 ans et plus souhaitant s’installer à Londres.
Le Centre Charles Peguy is intimately connected to the catholic church Notre Dame de France situated in 5 Leicester Place. The club was actually inside the premises of the churchalthough I don't know if there was a way between the two.A look on Google even today will show you the building the "Rotunda" that housed both. Just click here to see it today:
At about 1789 Robert Barker acquired a plot of ground on the east side of Leicester Place, together with a large site at the rear with access to Leicester Square, and here he erected a circular building specially designed for the exhibition of his panoramas.
Though it no longer houses a panorama display, Barker’s panorama rotunda still stands, to this day, just to the north east of Leicester Square, facing Leicester Place. It is now the Roman Catholic Church of Notre Dame de France, and is tucked in between the Leicester Square Theatre and the Prince Charles Cinema. The long covered entryway from Cranbourn Street is gone and the rotunda itself is completely screened from the street by the two neighboring buildings and the new street facade on Leicester Place which was added to the church some time after World War II. But it is visible in an aerial view in this satellite image of the area. "Mr. Barker’s Panorama" remained a standard listing in many guide books of London entertainments from the end of the eighteenth century, rightthrough the nineteenth, until December of 1863, when the last panorama was displayed in the Leicester Square rotunda.