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Les Enfants Terribles
Le Kilt - 60 Greek Street, London W1  
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I've been having a bit of a chat with Jane Landymore (née Ashworth) about the Kilt in Bournemouth and Louis Brown

My dad, Jack Ashworth, opened Le Kilt, Bournemouth in about 1963, in partnership with Louis Brown.
My parents also owned The Swiss Restaurant, next door to Le Kilt. Louis had a flat above, in Hampshire Court that he used when he came down from London. Quite a crowd would come down from London at the weekends.
I remember David Shellard who drove a white E-type jag, and was manager for a while. Also Adriano who was more in the early 60's. He came over from Mennagio on Lake Como and went on to open Adriano's night club at The Lansdowne.

My father died when I was 9, in 1966, and Louis invited my mum, my sister and I to spend New Year's at his flat in Curzon Place. I remember him as being kind, funny and overwhelmingly generous. He let us use his chauffeur-driven car with a TV and phone in it... Amazing!
I also went with my mum to the opening of Skindles on the Thames. Quite an eye opener! I was about 18, so it must have been 1978/79?
I will always remember his kindness. My memories of Louis are all good. I do remember my father nearly getting bitten by Louis's police-trained guard dog, which he had to protect himself! They were interesting times!

Here are some more comments form the internet:

Swinging Bournemouth - Nick Churchill takes us back fifty years – to the Stones Age - Published in February 2013
‘My favourite venue though was Le Kilt which was also the name of one of the top clubs in London. It was part of the Swiss Restaurant in Bournemouth Square and they’d get four or five hundred of us in there, the dancefloor had once been a squash court. You could get a drink there and kids would spill out across the street, the police would drive by, but I never saw any violence.’

28th March 2014
The Ritz to The Opera House: here's our list of 12 forgotten nights out in Bournemouth
Katie Clark DailyEcho
Le Kilt, Bourne Avenue – Bournemouth’s first ever discotheque. It was opened in 1963 by Edna and Jack Ashworth who ran the Swiss Restaurant before going into business with Louis Brown. After Jack died, Edna continued to help run the restaurant and club until closing the doors for good in 1975.

Amazed by the response & reaction to my piece - thank you. Bournemouth will always hold a very special place in my life. The two clubs Samantha's & Le Kilt were both owned by Louis Brown who owned half of London's discotheques at the time. Le Kilt was run by the very suave, E Type owning David Shellard! He saw Samantha's as serious competion although Adriano's at the Lansdowne was probably more of a threat!

Adrian Stern  Interesting new blog entry


ronnie simons  Interesting blog....I was a DJ at LA Valbonne for 5 years 1975-80 and also Dj'd at Skindles when it first opened.....those were great times...Disco fever was at its height..


I know this isn't really "our" period but it's a nice picture isn't it?
Adrian Stern  Tu vois Didi - la photo que tu m'as envoyé a été sur le site depuis 3 ou 4 ans déjà.


Bev Neals  Memory doesn't serve you well - Always Louis Curzon Brown until he died...I lived with him for 5 years...You are right about the wonderful crazy though...I still miss him :0


Adrian Stern  So maybe it was only the pronunciation that changed Bev. From Looie to Lewis? Maybe? Quite a character.


bev neals  Yes possibly - La poubelle..his first I think? So many..We had such fun travelling around the world figuring out new ideas to keep the clubs new and interesting... I think I was lucky to miss his gangster days - The Cannes club was my favourite..Some times it was so busy even we couldn't get in. Just an FYI for you - He died of the 2 things he was most afraid of - He had a heart attack and then decided to fly back to the UK...We obviously flew all around the world but any turbulence scared the hell out of him.. Good night from Wales.. Nice to know he's still remembered x


Remember when the West End was flooded with card fliers? Every club had their armies out to entice the tourists to just their establishment. The good, the bad and the indifferent. Some people managed to make a fair living out of distributing cards; namely Tony Smith and Massimo! This looks like an early one as it mentions Louis by name and with the original spelling - by 1969 he'd changed the spelling to Lewis if memory serves.

The picture was stolen from a seller on ebay - I told her about this site and this is her reply:

Hello Adrian - thank you for the information - its always interesting and useful to receive information about items. I did actually research it slightly on the internet before listing it and found this wonderful website full of photos from the club. As is often the case, I was intrigued and fascinated by the website and was quite distracted looking at all the fun pictures and information....I had to laugh, last night, as when I received your message I thought Id look at the website again to see if it was you...and yes it was!! and there was the picture of le kilt flier on my coffee table!!! No worries, it made me laugh and can I say what a wonderful website, very nostalgic and you all obviously had much fun then!! ONce again thank you for information, I will probably relist the item in the next few weeks,
kind regards, Avril

Beverly Neals   Hi - I'd love to see some of the pics from La Valbonne in the early 80's if you have some - I lived with Louis 1980 to 85 ...Still miss his wonderful crazy - He took some incredible pictures of me ...Just loved beautiful woman...Tried to love them all :) - I think I'm feeling nostalgic at the moment I've spent the night going through my history in pics...To be honest he took the best ever of me.. Nice to know people still remember him ..


Charles has just dug up this photo from I think he said 1976. Ah memories!
Big Dick  Yes you are right that is 1976 and the photo was taken outside the YWCA Hostel, and I think that was my old TR4A parked opposite. I used to know Neno quite well and used to help him with his yacht !


The club opened some time around 1962 I'd guess - I don't know if I ever knew. Louis Brown and Philip Cymberg proprietors. Lennie Bloom joined Louis later when Philip left the club business. The first manager was Joe (anyone know his surname?) who I think I saw once but when I started going there it was Martin [HUMABUM] with the Jaguar XK and I think already João assisting on the door. As far as I can remember the staff comprised of, in addition to the two already mentioned, Chris who was Martin's girlfriend and Vibbeke who alternated playing the records, Josianne in the cloakroom and ... I really don't remember. Just a minute! There was a French waitress, Christine I now recall. I recalled wrong - it was of course Michèle, girlfriend of Dutch Paul (somebody explain that please!) and I'm told she drank herself to an early grave!

Henry, who later worked as chef at the Kilt and eventually barman at Samantha's, used to come every weekend and always give Josianne a piece of chewing gum - funny the things that stick in your head, isn't it? Plus the fact he was Mr Singapore, what, 1964?

What everyone remembers about the Kilt is not so much the Scottish theme as the stage coach that housed the sound system, turntables and the DJ, which was Didi for so many years that he became synonymous with the place. Theo reminds me he did some nights off which I'd forgotten - I'm sure there's so much more to be remembered

Can anyone help? Fanchon? She lived in Battersea with a friend of her family which if I remember correctly owned Hermès! Anyone else remember her? Alex(is) who had connections with Aphrodite's child and was a song writer? Lived in a small flat along Ladbroke Grove not far from Holland Park. What became of him and Francois from the Dog Shop on Portobello Road? Does anyone have any contact with Alain? Or Jacques?

Richard Edwards  Jean de Guillaume was manager in thye late '60's.


Steve Knight  Must have been very late sixties because Martin was still manager when I left in March 1968


Adrian Stern  I really don't think he was since he was still "General Manager" for the group then. Thoough he may have taken over for a while in the 70s - don't recall exactly


Vibeke / Vibi  Jean de Guillaume, - or John de Guilhermy (Josiane's x-husband)?


Vibeke / Vibi  As far as I remember Martin was still the manager when I left London and Le Kilt some time in August 1969


BARRY BENDEL  I knew John de Guilhermy in 1964 during his spell at the LSE. We lived in the same house in Bayswater, where he brought his bride, Josiane in 1966. It didn't last very long. He came out to visit me in Kenya in 1973 – I have a photo of him with his girlfriend Janet, and my wife, taken at Nairobi Racecourse. Does anyone know what happened to him?


Roma Duyts  Joe van Duyts was the manager way before Martin


Steve Knight  Hey Roma
Good to hear from you - long time since I used to go to Old Street Station to see Joe, you, your mum and dad

Hope you are well


roma duyts  Hi Steve, hope you're well
i remember you and Joe taking me to the jazz clubs when I was very young.
later working with you at Global.


Barney Sel  I was around all through the late 60'ts and 70's Started at LULU'S and worked at Scotch of St James to end at Samantha's. Worked with Henry John de Guilhermy, foxy Phil (Brazilian). Left the Brown/Bloom organisation and managed COCO'S for the next 6 years, what a wonderful times!!!!


Adrian Stern  Joe was not "way before" Martin but immediately before. Martin filled in when Joe was on holiday and takings hit all-time highs. End of Joe.


Marianne Zargar  Is that Barney from Yugoslavia (as it was then) who I knew at Lulu's, I think as doorman? If that is the case I would be very interested to hear news of Nino and other people


This is a pencil sketch of the famous coach which served as the DJ booth - which became an E-type Jag when the idea was transported to Samantha's. I was sent this by Polo le Belge who recently got in touch and was around 1966/67. Seeing this sketch rang a big bell and I'm not sure I don't remember Martin doing it. Yes it was done by Martin the manager! and I'm pretty sure it was used somewhere - placemats? handouts?. But it is good and a wonderful souvenir.
Adrian  I'm a little surprised no.on has ever commented on anything in this section. The coach has so many memories...


Vibeke  For a while they were used as tablemats in Le Kilt. - Also I wrote letters to friends and my parents on the blank backsides. I think I have still got some of the letters that my parents kept.
A nice memory of how skilled Martin was when he was drawing.
And not to forget, hours and hours spent inside the coach playing all that fantastic music from then!!! What a happy time, and a happy life.


Steve   You can also see the edge of the sofa in the drawing and I remember Martin (or maybe it was Joe) censoring P.J. Proby the American singer for his (shall we say) over amorous attention to his female companion on the sofa. Many memories of Vibeke, Josianne and Chris in the stagecoach.


Angie  I was there in 1967
Le kilt is still in my heart.


HUMABUM was Martin's phone number - hard to forget really - and I think the club was probably at it's best when he was manager. After him came quite a few more; Alain Féruch, Nino Leguey Saturnin, Gérard and several others whose names escape me at the moment. Claude Francois was in the main bar, followed by Daniel Montessui and even Gérard Laboisne stood there at some time. I worked the kitchen bar with Henry doing the cooking - except for the damned hotdogs and potato salad.

Remember João?

The club didn't have a proper late license originally but ran with an extended restaurant license which meant that alcohol could only be served with food. What we served was probably unpalatable although certainly edible but fortunately very few ever tried to eat it but it served its purpose. A certain Stéphane, loved of both Michèle and Karen, was in that small bar around 71 or so I think.

It was amazing they managed to squeeze in a roulette wheel (it was, wasn't it? not blackjack?) in that small space!

Paul Creeze was the first croupier and he was with, and finally married, Michèle. He went into partnership with Lucio from Les Enfants and opened the Pit Stop also on Dean St. Gary was on the door - he became a good friend of Didi - but where did he come from?



Before becoming manager of Le Kilt, Nino was a waiter at La Poubelle Mark III on Greek St. Nino, myself and a stranger called Serge were waiters at the newly opened La Poubelle. Albert Grintuch played the records, Claude Francois was on the bar and you know I can't for the life of me remember who the manager was! Following their successful Scottish theme from the Kilt clubs and the Scotch of St James, the tables and doors were brass, the walls tartan and our uniforms were tartan flares, frilly shirts with tartan waistcoats - horrid but they worked. That must have been, what 1969?
The building next door to the Kilt was a hostel for young dancers. Ann, Pippa and friends often came down to the club after days spent slaving over a hot bar. Obviously that couldn't last and was closed by the seventies.

There was a lift in the building which I think was by Nash. Not many people knew that, but the Coca Cola delivery man did because that's where the crates (yes, Coca Cola came in bottles) were stored and I remember being so proud of being able to carry a full crate in each hand. Fortunately not a lot of beer was sold because those kegs weighed a ton. Oh yes although the stuff was stored in the lift it didn't work - and in any case only served the upper floors, not the basement. So it was quite something to get those kegs down the stairs.

Now this should have been the Kilt, and would have been the Kilt - but...
...times change


mike  The last manager of Le Kilt, who was French, had been a student of English of mine. The Kilt was closed by the authorities because they were selling alcohol well after licensing hours.


Adrian Stern  Was that a guy called Gérard Mike?


Neil Rosenthal  It was run by Alan Jacobs
